Study of First Peter Chapter 2                                  Lesson 23


Summary 2:4-5

1.  Jesus Christ as the living stone has life, spiritual life in Himself and is qualified to impart this life to others, those who believe in Him.


2.  Peter now begins to establish the teaching related to our position,  privileges and responsibilities that we now have in Christ having believed in Him.


3.  Peter uses 2 metaphors here to describe our place in the universal church:

#1 a spiritual house which refers to our position;

#2 spiritual priesthood which relates to our function/responsibilities in time.


4. The first metaphor, the spiritual house is constructed of stones.

a. First with Christ as a living stone (vs:6 Christ is referred to as the corner stone)

b. Here in vs:5 we discover that we as believers are the living stones forming the structure of this building.


5. That Christ is to be referred to as a stone was established in the OT, quoted in 1 Pet 2:6-7.

- Isa. 28:16; 8:14; Psa. 118:22


6.  We need to remember that as believers we are in union with Christ and therefore we share His life, His destiny which is the reason we're referred to as living stones.


7.  Being living stones implies the relationship we have with Christ which includes eternal life, security and stability that comes from being built on a sure foundation and the privilege of function in that spiritual house as believer priests.


8.  Peter's use of a house to describe the building draws our attention to the temple which introduces the second metaphor that we're a holy priesthood.


9.  As believers in the church age we are a part of a universal priesthood (2:9) we are to offer spiritual sacrifices.

- these are an exhale if you will, living out your life, application areas in life.

- each of us in our own niche has some ministry or service within the body, all parts being important to the overall function


10.  The important prerequisite for the capacity to offer spiritual sacrifices is indicated by the phrase in verse 5 "are being built up."


11.  As believers grow in the knowledge of the Word we will increase in our discernment to recognize areas of service and ability to respond will also increase.

- this is related to the qualitative growth


12.  As a believer priest, our responsibility is divided into two areas, one is in area of spiritual sacrifices and the other the believer’s intercession.


13.  We are able to offer these spiritual sacrifices because of our relationship with Christ, it is through Him that we offer them.


14.  Acceptable spiritual sacrifices include:

a.  The choice of presenting our body for service, that is living out the truth is a living sacrifice. Rom 12:1


b.  Praise and thanksgiving - Heb 13:15


c.  Divine good production, (DGP) that is generosity and fellowship (koinonia) towards those who have a need.  Heb 13:16


d.  Giving on a grace basis - Phil 4:18


e.  The P/T gives a sacrifice of time and energy for the ministry of the Word, to study and teach with the result  that he experiences inner happiness as will those in the congregation as they respond to the Word  and orient within their own niche.  (share his joy)  Phil 2:17-18


2:6 - 8  The Response to Christ the Cornerstone  Read


For this is contained in Scripture:   very unusual statement



"Behold I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious corner stone"


- What's in view is the historical process where by Christ will be established in Zion  as ruler of the World.


a choice stone a precious corner stone


- sequence in the Greek is different than the translation

- stone, a cornerstone, choice and precious


- stone  is a noun the other three are adjectives describing characteristics of this stone, the uniqueness of this stone  li,qoj  is a cut or prepared stone


-  corner stone   this calls our attention to the place of the stone in the building, therefore it  emphasizes the importance of Christ in the building.


- choice  (2nd Adj)  evklekto,j  choice, select, excellent  (Isa 42:1)

- precious   e;ntimoj  highly esteemed, held in high honor, valuable 


The rest of verse 6 down through verse 8 present the response or attitude of mankind toward the stone and its consequences.