Study of First Peter                                        Lesson 20




Chapter 2 begins a new section 2:1-10

2:1-3  a brief transitional passage which forms an exhortation to ensure our continued tenaciousness toward the Word of God.

2:4-10 moves to our relationship as believers with Christ.




2:11-3:12  deals with authority orientation in various situations, nation, job, home


2:1 Therefore, putting aside    



putting aside    avpoti,qhmi  aorist middle participle to put off, to put away from, to lay aside


What is the mechanic for what is being commanded here? 

We need to ensure that the Holy Spirit is not quenched or grieved.   No sin or rejection of truth.


Passages that describe what's in view here.

-  1 John 1:9 confess,  o`mologe,w 

-  1 Cor 11:31  diakri,nw to judge/examine  ourselves, our life/thinking; in line with Word?

-   Heb 12:1   lay aside every encumbrance

-   Eph 5:14   arise from the dead - addressing believers

-   Eph 4:22;  Col 3:9  lay aside the old man 




Point is that we need to quickly identify sin in our life, or any rejection of truth and deal with it, so that we return to fellowship operating on divine viewpoint.

Then he gives us a list of areas that are especially pertinent in dealing with others in a local assembly.  



1.  all malice  kaki,a  speaks of every form of evil, it speaks of an attitude that motivates one;

Its a more general term that describes any attitude that motivates one away from the standards of the Word.


Jas 1:21 has a similar objective of the context.  Clear the decks spiritually before we can receive the implanted word.


-  We must rid ourselves of any and all MA sin and all conduct that is morally defiling - whatever is inconsistent with  expressed +R Standard found in the Word.


Eph 4:31 where we find the word translated malice,


This context describes the kind of things that Paul  had in mind when in the previous verse he exhorts us not to grieve the Holy Spirit.




2.   all guile   pa/j do,loj  deceit;  org. "to catch with bait";  The idea of misleading, deceiving someone to their harm and your own advantage (con man)   


3.  and hypocrisy   u`po,krisij      pretense, hypocrisy,

-  used of the acting of a stage player, therefore the idea of presenting an appearance that one is not


-  It describes a phony front or a façade, a lack of honesty and integrity while dealing with others.


- This façade of the Pharisees was so well known that in Lk 12:1 the leaven of Pharisees is identified as hypocrisy.


4.  and envy   fqo,noj ;  bitter feeling that rises from the heart, mind being ruled  sin nature rule that is directed toward one who is perceived to be above us, who is what we are not; or who possess what we do not have but want desperately;


5.  and all slander  katalalia,  lit. to talk down or against; to rundown or disparage someone verbally; what is often called backbiting would fall under this one


2:1 Therefore putting aside (ensure in fellowship) every form of evil and every form of deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander.

Summary 2:1

1. Peter acknowledges here that even believers choose to operate at times outside the expressed will of God.


2. In order for us as believers in union with Christ to fulfill the imperatives (mandates) of Scripture (immediate context "become holy" and "fervently love one another") Peter exhorts us to ensure we are in fellowship.


3. To be sure we understand what Peter is focused on here he describes several categories of sins that are often major problem areas in relationships among believers.


4. The 2 major categories identified here are sins of the tongue and mental attitude sins.



5. Peter is consistent with the list of the 7 worst sins from divine viewpoint, a total abomination to the Lord, as defined in Prov 6:16-19.



6. A critical issue for each of us as believers as we live the Christian life is to be honest with ourselves and quickly identify sin and deal with it using the grace provision of the forgiveness and cleansing so that we can continue our objective in life to glorify Him.



7. The alternative of course for failure to ensure that we are in fellowship a majority of the time is discipline from God  and self induced misery.


- We need to remember that when we're not in fellowship the Holy Spirit is not empowering and therefore not illuminating the truth known and whatever we know is going to be garbled by the sin nature while its in rulership.