Study of First Peter                                        Lesson 13




1:15  A Positive Call for Holiness in Life  

but like   But here is a strong adversative drawing a contrast between being conformed to the lusts of the sin nature and the life we are being exhorted to maintain

- the as or like is the preposition kata plus the accusative which points to the standard


But according to the standard of the Holy One who called you, 


Who are the called here? 



be holy yourselves also in all your behavior;  

- obvious he's talking about living after salvation


- In the flow of the context Peter is stressing the change from their status dominated, ruled by the sin nature as unbelievers to now being in Christ and righteous positionally.


What's Peter's emphasis here?  That Christian conduct should be consistent with Christian character.  Your life should reflect the new nature in Christ!



The word used for behavior or conduct  avnastrofh,  makes it clear that  the stress is on the external or outward, what is observed by others.


Being Holy - set apart for service is a grace process from beginning to end.

f1 - Become holy positionally the moment we believe in Christ, are regenerated, His perfect righteousness is imputed to us and are placed into union with Him.  God's response to our faith and seeing that imputed righteousness is to declare us justified.

f2  - (stress here) - this is where the divine operating assets come into play, the grace provision for each believer as they grow and mature in Christ, that is in the knowledge of His will illuminated by the Holy Spirit.


Did you notice that it said in ALL your behavior not just some or what appeals to you!


1:15 But according to the standard of the Holy One who called you, become holy also yourselves in the sphere of every aspect of your conduct.

1:16 Provides the basis or justification for the call to Holiness

because it is written,    "YOU SHALL BE HOLY, 


Need to note the contexts where used.  Gives us a strong connection with the previous statement of vs:15 "in all your behavior,  its every aspect of life that is in view!

- quote from Lev 11:44

- Lev 19:2 

- Lev 20:7

- Lev 20:26




Reason given:






1:15 But according to the standard of the Holy One who called you, become holy also yourselves in the sphere of every aspect of your conduct.

1:16  Because it stands written, be holy (cmd) for I myself keep on being holy.



1. God is the absolute standard for righteousness.


2.  We are positionally holy or righteous from the moment of believing in Christ and having His righteousness imputed to us but this does not guarantee an automatic holy life.


3.  We as believers being in union with Christ are to emulate God's thinking, viewpoint in every sphere of our life.


4.  As we grow in our understanding and use of the truths of the Word of God in our life as we deal with the issues faced we will experience temporal victory over the prodding deceitfulness of the sin nature attempting to regain rulership.


5.  Mechanics of this victory:

a.  Ensure the ministry of God the Holy Spirit is operative - not quenched or grieved.

quenched = rejection of truth 1 Ths 5:19;  grieved = sin in life Eph 4:30-31

Solution is the use of 1 John 1:9

b.  Consistently place yourself in a position of exposure to sound teaching of the Word.

c.  The objective is to build the f/o/r of DVPT so that God the Holy Spirit has something to work with, to bring to mind to provide the necessary viewpoint to deal with the issues in life.

d. The final result is that you will be holy in every aspect of your conduct as Peter exhorts us in vs:15.


- Look at Gal 5:25 - have another word for walking here.

- The premise of the verse is stated in the first phrase with the 1cc If we live by means of the Spirit and we are!  Then we are to walk by means of the Spirit.




6.  What is the alternative if we fail to follow through and be holy in all our conduct?  What then?  The alternative is to adjust to the justice of God by way of divine discipline.


1:17 The basis or foundation of reverent living  (this is a positive not a negative at all)

Peter points out another motivation for living a life of holiness. Life set apart for a purpose to God!