**                                                                       Study of First Peter                                                                                                          Lesson 11

After giving us a comprehensive overview or our salvation and the awesome provisions God has made for those who believe in Christ, Peter now gives us an overview of the life that should flow from that provision of salvation when carried to its logical goal and objective.

We will find that it involves our responsibilities to God, 1:13-21;  to man 1:22-25 and to ourselves in 2:1-3.

In this first section of exhortation Peter presents our duty to God as believer's as consisting of three things: a correct perspective, correct behavior, and correct attitude.


1:13 Begin here the Exhortation - CMD's that logically flow from the doctrinal section of     vs:3-12   Read - vs:13

Therefore, gird your minds for action,

 -  Therefore  dio,  inferential conj. - idea is for this reason or because of this, reminding us that the conclusions he now makes are based on the previous doctrinal section. This exhortation flows out of the doctrinal foundation just laid in the previous section we just studied. 

gird (prepare)  your minds for action  Peter's first focus is on our thinking!  big surprise!

-  aorist middle participle - avnazw,nnumi  -  idea is to bind up, to gather up, to gird up

-  aorist tense is constantive (   - F2 -  )  is pertinent for our entire life as a believer

-  Participle is imperatival  expressing a command, course of action which is to characterize our life.

- Isogogics of the verb:  The word for gird or prepare was used in conjunction with the wearing of the long robes that was characteristic of the day.  In order to not be impeded in their movement or work they were to bind up the long flowing garments around their body and fasten them with a leather belt that they wore.

-  Peter's exhortation here is to clear out the hindrances to your spiritual advance.

- The greatest areas of hindrance revolve around the dross of human viewpoint that so easily draws us in and cunningly sidetracks us from DVPT.


What we are to prepare!

- the mind   dia,noia - objective genitive  = receives the action of being prepared;  often refers to the thinking process itself,  sometimes to the conclusions of the mind functioning providing us insight and understanding.

-  Peter  pictures a mind prepared for active work.  Need to ask the question, How?

-  This is a clear challenge to ensure that our thinking and f/o/r, our world view is based on the principles of the Word of God.

-  As we have noted it is that a full knowledge of the will of God gives us spiritual wisdom and understanding so that we have the mental agility, the coordination, no matter what the external circumstances are to live our life and bring glory to God.

-  We can do that because we have the spiritual assets to do so.  We're prepared!


keep sober in spirit,  nh,fw (vrpanm2p)  another imperatival participle

- word means to be sober, self-controlled, well balanced

- it is never used in Scripture of not being drunk, the literal use;  In Scripture it is always used metaphorically be self-controlled, be clear-headed,

This is an important concept here so what does it mean to be sober?

1.  To be sober as used by Peter is to be free of every form of mental and spiritual drunkenness, that is to be clear in our thinking.

- mental and spiritual drunkenness is to operate on human viewpoint thinking.

2.  For this to be a reality, the clear thinking we must not be ruled by the sin nature therefore all sin whether MAS, sin of the tongue, or overt sin must be dealt with.

3.  If we are to be clear thinking we must be free from the intoxication of false doctrine, the philosophical fads of the day.

- often when the sin nature rules these types of things become very enticing

4.  If we are sober, having clear thinking we will have the doctrinal frame of reference, that is the DOA's to deal with  what ever comes our way and we will be the beneficiary of divine guidance as we utilize the divine viewpoint.

5.  Some other passages where sober/clear thinking is emphasized.

a. 1 Ths 5:6

b. 1 Ths 5:8

c.  2 Tim 4:5

d.  1 Pet 4:7

e.  1 Pet 5:8


Therefore, because of this, (doctrinal content of vs:3-12) prepare your mind for action, keep on having clear thinking,


fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.


Next the third command

fix your hope completely   evlpi,zw (vmaa--2p)  this is a verb for hope, for confidence, the idea is to focus your confidence to fix your hope or expectant confidence on something

- Aorist is ingressive, this stresses the beginning of the action;   now that you know and understand the doctrine laid out in vs:3-12, the awesome provision we have in Christ;

the resulting action Peter says is that you need to begin to focus your confidence on that provision.

- Active voice says you must do this for yourself, no one can do it for you

- Imperative mood is a command to apply the doctrine taught to have this confidence.

- Then Peter adds an adverb completely  telei,wj  that says that this confidence is to be without reservations.  You know what has been provided for all 3 aspects of your salvation, now live believing it!

begin to fix your confidence completely (without reservations)

on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

- the preposition is evpi, + accusative; here indicates the ground or object of the hope

- The ground  or object of the hope is grace, the plan, the policy of God in dealing with mankind.  ca,rij

-  Grace brings into view all that God is free to do for us on the basis of the work of Christ on the Cross. 

-  This would include all 3 phases of salvation but here in this context with special focus on phase 3, glorification, having a resurrection body and being face to face with Him.


This we know (emph of all 3 phases) from the next part of the verse,  to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

- Peter uses  the present tense not the future as you might expect, why?

- Its literally  being brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ

- The present is often used to convey future events when the objective is to convey to the readers the doctrinal certainty of the event in view, here the return of Christ.  In Peter's thinking the object of hope is virtually possessed.

- So Peter is stressing the importance of understanding the blessed hope, the surety of Christ's return.  Titus 2:13

-  The revelation =  unveiling, the revelation of Jesus Christ at the Rapture.

-  His return includes the redemption of our bodies,  Rom 8:23;  Phil 3:20-21.


1:13 Therefore (because of the doctrine just communicated) Prepare your mind (sg) for action, keep on being sober (having clear thinking), begin to fix your confidence completely upon the grace being brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.


Summary Observations

1.  With verse 13 Peter begins the first application of the doctrine taught in vs:3-12 and with it really gives us the theme of 1st Peter.


2.  This theme revolves around living your life in the light of the eternity.

begin to fix your confidence completely upon the grace being brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

- this would include evaluating the decisions you make based on their impact at the return of Christ, i.e. the JSC.  

- Ask yourself is this decision going to produce w/h/s of an increment of divine good to be rewarded?


3.  No matter what generation of the church age, what timeframe, this is to be the mental attitude.

- the mental attitude is to be the same no matter the perceived closeness of the Return of Christ

4.  The first command (of 3) prepare your mind  for action is a call to intensify our intake and concentration on truth, doctrine  which along with the illumination ministry of the Holy Spirit prepares us to have the right thinking available in any situation we might be faced with.

5.  Only a full knowledge of the word (epignosis) will provide us the agility and coordination needed to deal with the CHP's, the adversities of life and bring glory to God.

6.  This full knowledge that we take in and when it is applied it not only provides what is necessary to face the CHP's of life as they crop up but that application of the truth also produces an increment of divine good (DGP) that will be rewarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

- that DGP that will be rewarded is an increment of grace.

7.  Sobriety - clear thinking is the logical result of preparing your mind for action with truth.

- have that f/o/r of truth that the Holy Spirit can use to recall to your mind so your able to make good solid decisions.  

8.  This clear thinking is to be the continuous objective (customary present tense) of the believer in their life that is to have a perspective based on the Word of God.

9.  Since it is truth, doctrine, that is the basis for our correct orientation in any situation there is no way that it can be overemphasized about the need for consistent preparation.

- Need to clear out the dross of human viewpoint, the impediments to clear thinking.

- Establish your MPR in life, must revolve around the Word of God.

- all of this takes self-discipline and concentration