Lesson 16 May 26


Importance of thinking Divine Viewpoint - Examples 

Passage #1  2 Corinthians 10:2-5 

Passage #2  Philippians 4:8-9     What is to characterize our thinking!


Passage Number Three:  Ecclesiastes 7:11-14

Before we look at this passage, I would like to look briefly at another passage which is important to understand the thrust of Ecclesiastes 7:11-14 and to the matter of suffering and our response to that suffering.

Romans 8:28-29

As we look at Eccl 7  we need to remember some basic principles of Doctrine.

We're commanded to give thanks to rejoice in all things.  This would include the undeserved suffering we will face in this life.



When we are occupied with Him,  we have the ability to express thanksgiving always, in all things which also indicates that we have and are living with a Romans 8:28 mentality!


Principle of Rom 8:28: Circumstance + truth [mixed together] = good.



Choice we have is to mix that situation being faced with the DVPT that God in grace has made available to all who seek it;  with the result that we are benefited as we produce divine good. 



With this viewpoint and thinking as a background, let’s go to Eccl.   7:11-14:



First, the command (vs. 13a).    We are told to “consider the work of God.”

Does the phrase “work of God” ring a bell?   He has a plan and a provision for you.  He has provided through Christ and His work on the cross for our salvation and He has made the provision for our life after salvation through His revelation, the Word to provide us the insight and discernment needed to live in this sin cursed world and bring glory to Him.


The point is, we are to observe, inspect, and consider the circumstances  of our lives, our daily existence,  in the light of God’s essence, His immanence, Who and What He is, and then to live accordingly—responding in faith.


Second,  the question (vs. 13b).    for who is able to straighten what He has bent.”




(a) Life is often bent. It has ups and downs, rough places and smooth places. We live in a fallen, sin cursed world filled with sinful people and life simply will not be an interstate highway.

(b) It means, however, God is there in our ups and downs. As a personal, loving, and all-wise God, He is personally and actively involved.

(c) It also shows us what we cannot do! Man cannot straigh­ten what God has bent. When God puts a curve in our road, we must fol­low the curve or run off the road into a ditch.



Third, the instruction (vs. 14).

Next comes some special instruction telling us how we are to act and respond to the varied circumstances of life. “In the day of prosperity, be happy.



But in the day of adversity,” when God puts a bend in the road, “consider,” observe, inspect your circumstances, stop, think and learn.




Our instruc­tions are to think. We are to remember and know that God is at work. He has made the provision for you both the day of prosperity and the day of adversity.


Verse 14d speaks to these questions, “So that man will not discover anything that will be after him. . . . ” What a strange statement. What’s the point?


We can discover God’s moral will from the Word,  how He desires for us to function in life but not the details of God’s sovereign will and actions.


This is not to keep us guessing, but trusting and ever leaning upon Him. Proverbs 3:5-6



Faith is not simply trusting God to remove the pain or trial, but trusting God regardless, trusting His revealed purposes even when it doesn’t make sense to us!

The question:  Are we living for our happiness or for the praise of His glory?

Ps. 139:3, 23-24; Lam 3:39-40,





Psalm 119:5, 59, 60, 67, 71







The Psalmist  knew the afflictions and trials of life are like tools that God uses to challenge us that we may turn to God’s truth the Word for direction that is consistent with His stated revealed desires for us. But how are we able to do that?




Time in the Word should be a priority.   Can't think it if you don't know it!

This will lead to occupation with Christ our Savior, the unique person of the universe.  From that occupation with Christ flows the capacity to live life and glorify Him in every aspect of life.