Lesson 9  March 31, 2004


Step Two—Count it All Joy

One of the basic facts of life we all have to live with and must learn to handle is the reality of pain and suffering. There will be some potholes in the road of life as long as we're in this sin cursed world.



We must not forget that whether its undeserved suffering or SIM, they are necessary since they are tools that God has chosen to use to get our attention and to train and motivate us to consistently look to Him for our daily provision, support.   


Attitudes Needed in Trials — The Directive (1: 2)

(1) The Command to Obey — “consider it all joy

consider” or “count” is  hgeomai and means  (a) “to reckon as, think, consider, conclude, regard it so,” (b) the idea is to examine something carefully; to add up the facts and arrive at a conclusion




Like a lineman who runs interfer­ence for a halfback in football, we are to run interference with God’s viewpoint and knock down any wrong responses that might have risen up against the knowledge of God and His purposes  (2 Cor. 10:4-5).


2 Cor 10:4-5 provides us insight on how to deal with these types responses. 



He gives us the principle on how we should also deal with and respond to unfair and unjust treatment.




We as believers are in a battle, in the midst of a  spiritual warfare;  but notice that we have been given weapons to fight this warfare!



Can you control what you think??






What are these fortresses that we are to tear down?






What is on the throne here??




Does this context  say that the believer is in control of your thinking or not??




* Every time we pick up God's Word, every time we assemble as we are commanded to do to study together His word;  Some human viewpoint ought to be destroyed.


Back to James 1:2

All joy” is placed in an emphatic position in the original text.  The emphasis is clearly on the words “all joy.”    James did not just say, “count it joy”, but “count it all joy.”



In the Bible,  joy is used of a good emotion that flows from thinking on and trusting in the benefits and blessings of God’s love, wisdom, plan, and purposes.


Several  illustrations of suffering, we should consider the following:

(a)  In the life of our Lord  (Cross - Heb. 12:1-3; 1 Pet. 2:21-23;  Great pathos at the spiritual state of His people Israel  Lk 13:34-35; Lk 19:41 );


(b)  In the life of Paul (Phil. 1:12-21;  2:27;  2 Cor. 4:7-11; 11:23-29).