Will you trust Me?”                                                    Lesson 23

The Challenge of living the FAITH-REST LIFE





The History of the Faith-Rest Life (4:4-9)

In these verses the author simply explains why the rest still remains today and traces a brief history of the rest of God. Even after Joshua's time, David spoke of the rest of God in Psalm 95.






Exhortation to the faith rest life (4:11-13).

After clearly demonstrat­ing that a faith rest life is available to believers today, the author concludes by an exhortation encouraging them to enter into that rest (4:11-13).







In this passage, five things are said about the Word of God:

First, it is living. [zaw]





Second, the Word of God is active; [energhj]




Third, the Word is sharper than any two-edged sword.





Fourth, the Word of God pierces.






Fifth that the Word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.