Will you trust Me?”                                      Lesson 17

                               The Challenge of living the FAITH-REST LIFE


The problem of the lies we believe

These lies are the beliefs, notions, attitudes, and expectations that do not fit with the truth of the Word of God.




Their General Nature: They include everything from the strategies by which we attempt to handle life on a daily basis to what one believes is needed to be saved or to walk by the Spirit.





Religious Lies: Any method that depends on human works for salvation or for sanctification.






Subtle Lies: Any method by which people seek to handle life, to find peace, significance, joy, satisfaction, or security apart from faith in God's plan for us in the person and work of Christ constitutes a false belief system.








                                          Part 2

The Faith-Rest Life

          The Meaning of Faith-Rest - Resting in Him

                         Hebrews  3:1 - 4:1-16      


Intro observations on the word "rest"

(1) The Meaning of the Word "Rest"  The noun used for rest in Hebrews 3 and 4 is the Greek word  katapausij,   "a putting or causing to rest."




It speaks of a rest which God gives because of the work God has accomplished.


(2) The Usage of the Word "Rest" in Hebrews 3 and 4.

Eight times katapausij is used in Hebrews 3 and 4 and in each case it is used of God's rest or the rest that God supplies  (3:11, 18; 4:1, 3 [2x’s], 5, 10, 11).

It speaks of the spiritual fulfillment that God supplies when we live in dependence on Him.