Lesson 12

Will you trust Me?”

The Challenge of living the FAITH-REST LIFE


Biblical Faith is Non-Meritorious

Biblical faith is not a work, it is the one thing you can do without doing anything

(cf. John 6:27-29; His commandment   1 Jn. 3:23; Rom. 4:4-5).


Faith is the only way that is consistent with grace!  (Rom 4:16a)





(1) Faith is an admission of one's spiritual inability and helplessness to merit or work for salvation or as a believer to handle our own life apart from God's grace provision as revealed in the New Testament  (Rom. 4:1-5;  Eph. 2:8,9;  Titus 3:5;  Gal. 2:20).



(2) Faith is a rejection or repudiation of any confidence in  the flesh (Phil. 3:1-9; see also Jer. 17:5-9; Rom. 3:9-24).



(3) Therefore, recognizing one's helplessness and the sufficiency of Christ, biblical faith rests in God's  complete and finished work and provision in Jesus Christ or  Christ's merit (Rom. 4:4-5, 16; 11:6; Heb. 4:10).


Faith is Not Necessarily Demonstrated by What You are Doing for God.

This is a popular notion, but not quiet true. Should be, but not necessarily true!





Rabbit trail on this passage in Phil 2:12-13.


Paul is dealing here with the process of living the CWOL.


We need to remember that Paul often refers to Salvation in three phases or looks at salvation from three different aspects or perspectives.

Past - present - Future (Phase 1,2,3) 

Past tense (Ph-1) - This is the justification phase when we enter the royal family of God;  "have been saved" 





Present tense (Ph-2) - Describes where we live right now; after salvation




We must learn about the provisional aspect of our position in Christ, that occurs for us at salvation is that we were retroactively identified with Christ in His death burial and resurrection and are raised to walk in newness of life.  




What we need now in the present day by day is to grasp the truth of Rom 6:11-13 to realize that fact daily. 






Future tense (Ph-3) Part of the blessed hope