Lesson 11

Will you trust Me?”

The Challenge of living the FAITH-REST LIFE


General uses of  the word Faith in Scripture:

1.     The Faith: as the body of truth; the complete revelation of God in the Canon of Scripture. 

   1 Tim 4:1; Eph. 4:5;  Jude 1:3


2.     The Faith: as the content of what is believed;    

   That portion of the Canon that is personally a part of our F/O/R.

   The principles, promises, the truths of the WOG. 

   Eph 3:17; 1 Cor 16:13; 2 Ths 3:2


3.     Saving Faith; specific; where the context and emphasis is on the object of faith for salvation, Jesus Christ. 

Christ is the only object  Jn 1:12;  20:31;    John 3:15-18; 36; 5:24; 6:29


4.     Blending of an emphasis on Hearing; believing; applying  (Heb 4:2; Gal 3:1-5;  Eph. 1:13


5. Misplaced Faith; wrong object!  a false criterion;

- Mt 3:9 Jews believed in heritage from Abraham; Jn. 8:31-45

- Jn 5:37-40 Scribes, Pharisees; thought a knowledge scripture was sufficient; reject the one who the scriptures point to.

- 1 Cor. 2:4-5 Not on the wisdom of man; the philosophy of man.

- 2 Ths. 2:11 In the tribulation they will believe the false,  The message  of the Anti-Christ.

- 1 John 4:1 test the read out against the standard of the WOG before  believing what is heard; 

·        many false teachers spewing forth the doctrine of demons, very persuasive, especially true in last days 1 Tim. 4:1


Biblical Faith is Non-Meritorious