Lesson 92 December 7, 2003

4. The Shield 6:16 Read!

This shield was used for advancing in battle along with other soldiers;

It was approx. 4 ft. by 2 1/2 ft.; 2 layers of wood laminated together covered with linen and then leather hides. It was curved and sort of wrapped around the body.

It was designed to give the soldier a solid wall of protection.


** 3 things that need to be defined in context; faith, flaming missiles, and the evil one.

* Faith = is used here to refer to faith in action rather than referring to its objective content;

Paul is saying that our faith should be like that shield in 3 ways:

#1. It is to cover us so that not a portion is exposed.

#2. It should link up with the faith of others to present a solid wall of defense.

#3. It will extinguish all the arrows that the enemy will hurl at us.

* flaming missiles = Herodotus described how cane darts were dipped in pitch, were ignited and shot at the enemy.


* the evil one = once again a reference to Satan;


** The picture that Paul paints for us here is that as we are in the struggle, in the midst of the spiritual warfare, the enemy launches repeated volleys of blazing arrows, that is, temptations, strategies, deceptions, all to inflame us and bring us our demise spiritually.


How many of the attacks will the shield of faith handle when used?


- That's the key with faith, you may know what is right, what God has said in His word that you are to do in the situation in which you find yourself.

To use your shield is to take that knowledge and actively believe it, trust it by using it in that situation.


- One of the most dangerous fiery missiles that you will have to deal with is doubt; If Satan can get you to doubt the veracity of the word, to doubt the resources that are yours in Christ, he's quickly neutralized your effectiveness, and your ability to deal with the situation your facing since he has effectively removed your shield and therefore your vulnerable.

5. The Helmet 6:17a

"and take the helmet of salvation,..."

The Roman military used two types of helmets, one made of leather, a galea; or one made of metal, a cassis.

Most had a band across the forehead for protection and also leather plates down the sides to protect the checks; back went down to protect the neck.

All the previous items would be laid out for the soldier to pick up and put on but the helmet and the sword would be handed to him by an attendant or armor bearer.

Since Paul is addressing believers, his focus here is not on the that fact; but on the reality of the present experience of their salvation, their deliverance in time.


* Having a settled assurance that one is truly saved, having a handle on all that you have in Christ, and that you cannot be eternally harmed by the adversary is a strong and effective helmet, protection for the mind, in the spiritual battle of life.


5. The Sword 6:17b

"and take ….. the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

- Like the helmet, the sword is to be received, to be accepted or welcomed with appreciation;

- The Sword: ma,caira speaks of the short sword which was used for close-in, hand to hand combat.

* The more one uses the word of God the sharper it becomes in our lives;


Why does Paul link the sword with the Spirit?

Because He is the provider of it, through inspiration and illumination;


* The more we know of the Word of God, we as Christian soldiers will be able to defend and protect ourselves against the thrusts of the "evil one" and also from the attack of false teaching which Satan promotes that is so prevalent today.


1. personal: 6:18a

2. intercessory 6:18b-20

- The thing that pulls all the armor together, the thing makes all the previous exhortations to gel, to become a reality and effective in our lives is prayer.