Lesson 87 November 23, 2003






Quote from Chafer, Systematic Theology vol. II p.100.

It is not the reason of man, but the revelation of God, which points out that governments, morals, education, art, commercialism, vast enterprises and organizations, and much of religious activity are included in the cosmos diabolicus.

That is, the system which Satan has constructed includes all the good which he can incorporate into it and be consistent in the thing he aims to accomplish.

A serious question arises whether the presence of gross evil in the world is due to Satan's intention to have it so, or whether it indicates Satan's inability to execute all he has designed. The probability is great that Satan's ambition has led him to undertake more than any creature could ever administer.

Revelation declares that the whole cosmos-system must be annihilated, not its evil alone, but all that is in it, both good and bad.


** One thing that we need to understand very clearly before we begin this study of Spiritual Warfare is that we as believers do not fight for victory, we fight from victory!



*** It is the Spirit of God who enables us, as we believe the Word illumined by Him and apply it to realize Christ's victory for ourselves.



*** This passage is one of 3 that describes for us how we are to directly confront or to do battle with Satan.

One word = RESIST

Clearly our response to Satan is to be defensive; not offensive;



Twice in Eph 6 Paul will tell us how we are to resist, how we are to stand firm, how we are to realize the victory that already has been won by Jesus Christ;


This passage reveals to us the source of the strength and the equipment that we need to experience the victory in our lives that Christ has already won.


Since there are commands given to us, there are certain conditions that must be met if we are to personally realize the victory that Christ has already accomplished for us.


We are to take our stand against any onslaught of the enemy knowing that he has no chance to defeat us as long as we live out our position in Christ utilizing the resources given in grace.



Paul also reminded the Corinthians of this victory; 1 Cor 15:57; 2 Cor 2:14;

It is Eph 6:10-20 that reveals to us God's all sufficient provision for us to experience such a victory.

- Its provision 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might.


Paul recognizes here that we do not fight this battle from the strength that we have but with acquired strength, empowerment from Him!

The present tense indicates this empowerment is a necessity daily, moment by moment. Christ source: Phil 4:13; 1 Tim 1:12; 2 Tim 2:1; 2 Tim 4:17



*** An essential element in Ephesians is the power available to the believer, in their life after salvation.

Paul characterizes this power as the "strength of His might."