Lesson 77 October 29, 2003

Intro Review:






5:17 The Conflict of Interest

Here we discover the reason that our life must be energized by the Spirit because of the ongoing battle within; battle between the 2 resident rulers.

First the parties to the conflict, that are in opposition;

"For the flesh sets it's desire" [pres act ind] evpiqume,w, to desire, to crave; pres tense says that it is continually desiring to rule, to influence the life of the believer.

- the flesh evpiqumi,a = indicates a strong desire, craving, a lust; the word itself does not indicate whether the desire/craving or lust is good or bad; context is to determine;

What does the sin nature do?

sets its desire [pres.act.ind.] evpiqume,w strong word to describe the desires, the cravings of the sin nature.


The objectives of the sin nature are:

- The conflict stated: "for these [flesh and the Indwelling H-S] are in opposition to one another." [pres.Ind. avnti,keimai to lie against, to oppose, it indicates an adversarial type of relationship.]


"So that" [logical result if we choose to let the sin nature rule; if it wins the struggle!

"you may not do the things that you please."



[exp. translation] "For the flesh [sin nature] continually sets its desire in opposition to the Spirit and the Spirit in opposition to the flesh; for these are in opposition [conflict] to one another so that you may not do the things that you (new man) may wish."


Summary Observations:

1. Since this "flesh," this sin nature is a part of us throughout this life we must learn how to deal with it, to handle it.

2. The flesh is not a part of the soul but can influence all input to the soul for thinking when it rules.

3. The flesh/sin nature is not eradicated or altered at the point of salvation; but since we died to it, we are separated from its power and it no longer has to rule or dominate our life.

4. Need to remember that both are resident in that they dwell in the body.

- the flesh and the Holy Spirit

5. This opposition is continual and fixed in that the flesh's desires are set and the Holy Spirits desires and purposes are set.

6. Neither will impact or change the other.

7. The Spirit is not seeking to change the flesh/sin nature, we're separated from its power but the Spirit does seek to influence the thinking, the mind of the believer with the truth of the Word of God so that wise choices will be made.

8. The sin nature seeks to return to its dominate, rulership role so that its lust patterns can be realized through the body and therefore through the life of the believer.

9. As we grow and mature in the Christian life we're not changing the sin nature, its not diminishing it in any way, the flesh will always be the flesh seeking to express itself through the body in which it resides.

10. The issue in life goes back to some of the basic issues we noted in our study of volition, and that is, which are you going to choose to respond to, the Word and the Spirit or the desires of the flesh? Which one influences your thinking and therefore the choices you make?

*** Paul in the next verse, Gal. 5:18, links walking by the Spirit with being led by the Spirit!

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.


Some thoughts:

Question: Is there something that we have noted that might limit the extent and or the effectiveness of G/H-S's leading??



The result of having this renewed mind and conscience is that you have the capacity to evaluate the circumstances faced, the info that your hearing and make decisions based on DVPT within the framework of the Will of God; consequently you are being led by the Spirit!



Paul in the last phrase here broadens the scope to any external law system when he says;

"you are not [you keep on not being] under the law. u`po. no,mon [under the authority of, w/o the def. art. it refers to any law system]



Life by the Spirit is not observing some system of laws, or on the other extreme, license to live anyway we desire. [5:1,13]



Look down at vs:25 see Paul's exhortation as he closes this section.


The point:

Paul is exhorting them to get in line, to get in step with the H/S's enablement and His leading; which is the only way you will be able to manifest the fruit of the Spirit just covered in vs:22-23.