Lesson 71 October 1, 2003

Observations on Light and Darkness (Cont'd)


7. Man's natural tendency is not to move to the light! Jn 3:19 (convicting ministry of H/S to wake man up to his need! Jn 16:7-11)


8. Must recognize that darkness is the rule, the dominion of Satan. Acts 26:15-18;


9. At salvation we were delivered from the domain of darkness. Col. 1:13


10. Since we are delivered from the power of darkness we should no longer walk in darkness, our life being characterized by darkness.


11. If we choose to walk in darkness we have no fellowship with God. point of 1 Jn 1:5-7


12. Our source of light for our life is His truth, the Word of God.

Ps 43:3; Ps 119:105; Ps 119:130;


13. God mediates His light, the Word of God, to mankind in this dispensation through lamp stands and stars! Rev 1:20


I would take it that to walk as children of light, as Paul emphasizes here is related to becoming imitators of God! Eph 5:1


But what does it mean to walk in light?? Verses 5:9-10 explain!

- Vs:9 is a parenthesis that explains what this cmd at the end of vs:8 to walk or live as children really means!


- Since light is known by its effects so also the believer should be known by the fruit of his/her life.


- When the light of Christ shines through the life of the believer it produces 3 characteristics:

Lit begins with "in the sphere of all" [goes with all three characteristics.

#1 goodness; avgaqwsu,nh speaks of moral excellence; w/generosity

#2 righteousness; dikaiosu,nh| quality of "rightness" that is from God's vpt; knowing what is right and doing it consistently

#3 truth; avlh,qeia here we have the quality of honesty and genuineness; not just something to be said but to be done! [4:15]


5:10 helps also to explain the exhortation of vs:8

- That we should be in our life "trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord."


As one who is light; we need to continually analyze our thoughts, our words, our actions, in order to bring our lives into conformity to the will of God; Result the life is pleasing to the Lord!!

5:11 We are to separate from the deeds of darkness!


- Now in vs:11 Paul exhorts us to not to become involved, not to fellowship with the unfruitful deeds of darkness.

- As believers we are to be continually engaged in the process of walking as children of light; which means that we are to avoid all things connected in any way with spiritual darkness.

- These works are called the unfruitful/barren works of darkness;


- Paul is not calling for believers to withdraw from the world but rather to refuse to adopt its standards or fall into its ways!

- "But instead even expose them" evle,gcw [pres imp]

- when the object is a person; the emphasis is to convince someone of something; to reprove them in some area.

- when the object is impersonal; it means to bring to light, to point out, to expose,

Observations on the Process of conviction:

1. The source of conviction is the Holy Spirit Jn 16:8

2. The means of conviction is the Word of God heard 2 Tim 3:16

3. The agent of conviction is man; Personal; 2 Tim 4:2 [P/T of cong]


The idea here is that as the believer lives his life, keeps walking in the light, he or she is exposing the darkness and sin around them.


- It must be clear to those whose lives we touch that our standards are those of God's Word, not those of the world of darkness and it will have the intended impact!

- Rem: We as believers are to be God's lights in the kosmos that is characterized by darkness.