Lesson 69 September 28, 2003




5:5 The consequences for failure in the area of these sins!

Who is Paul addressing?

What does it mean to inherit the kingdom??

We must, I believe not equate entering into the kingdom and inheriting the kingdom as referring to the same thing.

Entering the kingdom refers to what?

When you consider your inheritance as a believer in Christ you need to recognize that you have 2 aspects to that inheritance:

#1 is positional; those things that are true of every one who believers in Jesus Christ!

#2 there is an earned portion of inheritance in Christ!

Look at Acts 20:32 (word); Col 3:23-24 (conduct);


- Point is while that condition exists, producing these sins, no blessing in time; no reward for eternity.

5:6 There will be those who deny moral standards with elaborate attempts to derail you from that standard through empty words! Philosophical arguments of the day.


Premise here is: Sexual immorality or covetousness cannot be separated from God's wrath.

There is a clear cause and effect relationship established here! Consequences!

"for because of these things," [the sexual sins, the covetousness] "the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience."

Paul warns them not to be deceived! What he is describing is something we always need to be on guard against; avpata,w [pres imp] deceive, to cheat, to mislead;



Means of deception:

"with empty words" keno,j lo,goj words that are void of substance; have no value;