Lesson 66 September 21, 2003

The Holy Spirit is a Person some observations

Statement: Personal characteristics are attributed to the Holy Spirit in Scripture.


1. He speaks: Influences don't speak, influences don't use grammar, influences don't communicate; a person does!

#1 in giving commands therefore exercises authority Acts 8:29; 13:2

#2 in teaching truth Jn 14:26; [Lk 12:12]

#3 in giving revelation Jn 16:13

#4 in interceding on behalf of the believer in time of need, Rom 8:26

2. He possesses attributes of personality.

As individuals made in the image of God we possess volition, ability to choose; ability to think/reason, intellect; we experience emotion, feeling.

#1 He wills; 1 Cor 12:11.

#2 He has intellect, intelligence; 1 Cor 2:10-11

#3 He has emotion; Eph 4:30

3. Proved by terms that designate personality.

#1 Use of pronouns; H/S is not referred to as an "it" but He!

But I am convinced that they were so convinced of the personality of the Holy Spirit they could not bring themselves to refer to the H/S as an "it" [implied by the neuter.]

Examples: Jn 15:26 evkeinosj 16:7-8; 16:13 also evkeinosj

#2 Use of name comforter; paraklhtosj; cannot be translated comfort or some abstract influence; must be comforter, an advocate, the term indicates personality, its personal, "helper" Jn 14:26; 15:26 paraklhtosj; also 16:711

4. The H/S receives the Ascriptions of Personality. He is addressed as a person.

#1 The H/S can be lied to! Acts 5:3

#2 The H/S can be resisted! Acts 7:51

5. Metaphors of the Holy Spirit. Help us discover who H/S is, His character!

#1 Wind The Word for Spirit pneuma basic = wind; [into Eng. pneumatic; ]

Power Acts 2:1-2

2 Pet 1:21 context is that of the writing of Scripture.

Conclusion: H/S is invisible; powerful; moves/directs.


#2 Dove Lk 3:22 So now what? What does the dove signify?


"And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."

This reminds us that God/HS, His presence in us, is the seal, the guarantee of our future destiny.

This reminds us that God/HS, His presence in us, is the seal, the guarantee of our future destiny.

"Sealing" is a very strong concept; teaches some very important points of BD.

- implies ownership; 144k were sealed, belonged to God Rev 7:2; 9:4

- implies security;, a lifestyle consistent with walking worthy.


When we understand all that is ours in Christ, our future destiny is secure; it should motivate us to right living and right speaking!