Lesson 65 September 17, 2003





4:28 Our Relationship to Property

** The Bible recognizes the right of ownership of property!

In Ex 20:15 the 8th commandment makes this very clear;

By the time of the first century, in the culture in which Paul lives and is addressing as he writes to the Ephesian believers; stealing was considered a very minor vice; especially true among the many slaves that formed a large part of the population of the Roman Empire of the day.


#1 The Command;

* The way the text reads its clear that he is addressing one whose life was that of stealing;

Says very strongly, Stop stealing, no longer is stealing in any form to be a part of the life of the believer!


#2 The Correction Needed;

** Paul doesn't leave them there but continues ; but rather let him labor,

- "let him labor" kopiaw present imp; if you don't understand this command to labor; if you don't see in it exhaustion and sweat, then you don't understand what the believer is being commanded here.


- "performing with his own hands what is good,"


#3 The Purpose

- The connective here is hi[na coupled with the subjunctive mood of the main verb; introduces the purpose of the command to work.

** The principle laid down here is that each one should toil honestly at that which is useful and morally worthwhile not just to meet their own needs, and thus avoid the temptation to thievery, but to amass a surplus to help others in need.



The inspiration for labor is not personal gain but lavish generosity.

It is to this level of motivation that God's grace elevates the believer who is responsive to God and His Word.

4:29 Our Relationship to our Tongue!

- We must always remember just how important what we say, our words are; words have meaning and therefore have impact.

- The point being made here is that as a believer grows and matures; putting on the new man; the content and purpose of his speech changes;

To the extent/degree that our thoughts, are consistent with DVPT, the problem of content and control of the tongue will be solved.

- The contrast then is between the destructive power of words and the harm they can do, and the beneficial, constructive power of words; those that are good for building up one another in the faith.

** The standards of good constructive speech are threefold. no platitudes!

#1. Good speech has a purpose.


#2. Good speech is timely.


#3. Good speech is helpful.


Our Relationship to the Holy Spirit. 4:30

The command is "do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,"


This makes this cmd, this injunction not just a general one; don't grieve the Holy Spirit;

But that it is a reminder that:

failure in the area of proper speech, edifying speech;

failure to stop stealing and pursuing legitimate labor;

failure to properly handle anger; failure to speak the truth;

All of these, it says, grieves the Holy Spirit; who indwells all believers;


What Paul is asking them and us here is this: How can you do what is going to grieve the Holy Spirit, the one who has sealed you?

The Holy Spirit is a person, has personality. The Holy Spirit is not an "it"; How could you grieve an it?