Lesson 64 September 14, 2003

Rabbit trail Jas 1:19-20

In vs:19-20 Since the Word is central to our proper function as Bel's then we must establish a condition - environment within us; within the real you of receptivity to the Word of God.

1:19 (This) you know, my beloved brethren.

- idiomatically says "take note of this - keep this knowledge before you always." It will help you in all kinds of circumstances.

Notice who he addresses:

#1 he's addressing believers those that have shared in the good gift of SALV from God; and #2 he expresses his strong affection for them


But let every one be quick to hear

As believers we must have as one of our main priorities in life to hear the word of God

James' concern here is not only with the process of hearing / listening which is important but also with the specific content heard. Which is critical.

When God speaks on a subject, we should be quick to hear and put it into practice. God's voice only is heard through His Word and when we ignore His voice then we should be ready the consequences which result.

slow to speak - bradusj + lalew

- rules out hasty or ill considered reactions to what is heard Prov. 10:19

- hasty reactions often leads to rash assertions, over statements.


slow to anger - bradusj eis ovrgh,

- it denotes strong and persistent feeling of active anger = MAS.

- in view here is anger that is a deliberate and persistent mental attitude of hostility

1:20 for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God

for - gar - intro's the logical reason for the warning, the cmd against yielding to anger.

The righteousness refers to the will of God reflected in the conduct of believers that is their life being in accord with the perfect righteous std of God


1:19-20 Take note of this, my beloved brethren, let every one be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not promote the righteousness of God.


1. Must note that Not all anger is Sin!! righteous indignation - looks to the act committed not the individual;

i.e. towards neg vol - lack of application, especially by those who should know better. Titus 1:10-16; Ps 97:10 Those who love the Lord are to hate sin.

2. Examples: - Jesus in the temple Jn 2:13-16

- Moses coming down off Mt Sinai and smashing the tablets Ex 32:19-20.

3. Eph 4:26-27 gives principle: Tells us we must be very careful in dealing with anger.

Must be on guard to not give the righteous anger a chance to develop into a verbal or overt sin (shift from the act to the individual) moving into some sort of retaliation

Vs:27 gives us another consequence once this anger crosses the line and develops into sin, the sin nature is in rulership, and it opens the soul for all the counterfeits / delusions from Satan, gives him a place, a base of ops for the time one is out of fellowship.

Later in vs:31 Let all bitterness wrath anger etc be put away (clean sweep - of sin)

4. Those having a problem dealing with anger, who are quick tempered, are not to be in positions of authority. (P/T) - Titus 1:7;

Why? Prov 14:17a; 29:22

5. Exhortation is to be slow to become angry - think before you speak - show some patience

Prov 14:29; Eccl 7:9; Prov 29:11; 13:3; 21:23