Lesson 55 August 24, 2003

Back to what we were working on before the rabbit trail:

Need to recognize some of the leading features of religious trickery by the tricksters - F/T.

à #2. Elevation of a leader based on personal charisma.

- In all of the cults, and in the cultic churches you will find an elevation of a leader; placing on a pedestal that is not only above everyone else, but also a position where nothing that one does or says is questionable! Not even tested by the word!

What's the hook?

Often its by claiming to have truth, above and beyond Scripture!

How do you differentiate this kind of authoritarian teaching of a cult or cultic type; from that of objectively teaching word of God, P/T has done his homework and therefore is teaching the word as "thus says the Lord??

What's the difference?? Major!! Its in the area of authority!!



#3. Financial fleecing - exploitation!

- 2 Pet 2:1-2



- One characteristic of the cult, F/T, is that his appeal is often made toward the "unstable." 2 Pet 2:14;



#4. Esoteric BD, or Teaching by gobbledygook!

- One of the most basic characteristics of True Christianity is clarity of the message communicated.

- 2 Tim 2:1-2; 1 Cor 14:8-9; 2 Tim 4:3; Heb 13:8-9; 2 Cor 13:1-2


4:15 - 16 Positive aspects of Growth

In vs:14 we saw the neg. consequences of arrested spiritual development now in vs:15-16 we find the positive aspects, the expected results of spiritual growth.

"But speaking the truth in love,"

3 elements involved: speaking the truth; living the truth; adhering to the truth.

A concern for the truth is a concern of an advancing church occupied with Christ!

The addition of "in love" does not mean to soft peddle the truth.

"we are to grow up in all respects into Him, who is the head, [even] Christ."

- Here we have once again reiterated the goal, the objective of Christ's giving of gifts to the church; the teaching of truth by P/T;


God has designed the individual and the church according to His standards to grow toward a standard that He has planned for us!

Would take "the all things" as getting our thinking, our vpt renewed to the same std's as His in all areas of life.

Growth is related to the word of God.

1. The Word is instrumental in our becoming believers! Jas 1:18; 1 Pet 1:23

2. Through the Word He feeds us. 1 Pet 2:2 intensely desire, Imp.

3. He convicts/critiques us through the word. Heb 4:12

4. He cleanses us through the Word. Eph 5:26; Psa. 119:9;

5. He guides us though the Word. Psa 119:105

6. He equips us for the spiritual warfare through the Word. Eph 6:17

7. He equips us for service through the Word. 2 Tim 3:16-17