Lesson 47 August 6, 2003

4:7-11 The gifts necessary for the proper function of this unity.

4:7 Now the shift is to a diversity in the body

"But to each one of us" not only is emphatic, [ind. object placed first] it gives us the idea of distribution; that is to each believer in the body!

"grace was given" [lit. the grace was given]

He uses the term grace in the same way as he did in 3:2,7,8 of the grace given to him to fulfill his mission, responsibility as an apostle.

* What is in view here is the grace that enables one to fulfill a specific function with in the body of Christ, the church; it speaks of the particular enablement given to each one so that we're capable of filling our particular place in the body of Christ.

This "Equipping grace" is given it says, "according to the measure of Christ's gift,"

- The word for "gift" dwrea, dwrea blends well with the passive voice of giving; it refers to something freely given, not earned, therefore its an undeserved gift.


A quick survey of the use of "gift" dwrea,, dwrea shows that it is used of a gift that is spiritual in nature;

- of salvation; Jn 4:10; Rom 5:15, 17

- of the Holy Spirit; Acts 2:38; 8:20; 10:45

- Christ is referred to as the indescribable gift 2 Cor 9:15

- In Ephesians ch 3 Paul uses it related to his gift of Apostleship 3:2,7,8 and his responsibilities that resulted from that gift;

So through out the church age there is a distribution of gifts, which are given based on the choice of God that are for the express purpose of equipping the saints for service.

** Paul's statement here linking the giving of spiritual gifts with Christ appears to be in conflict with what we have noted in 1 Cor 12:11.

But is it really??

4:8-10 is a digression to give proof of the giving of gifts

- quotes Ps 68:18 to confirm the giving of gifts by God.


The essence then that Paul draws on from the Psalm, bringing to our context is that a military victor has the right to give gifts to those who are identified with him, at his choice!


4:9-10 serve as a commentary on 2 words of vs:8 ascended and gave.

Vs:8 speaks of His ascension; being exalted to the right hand of God.

Logically if He ascended He must have first descended and the question here is what is meant when it says, "He also had descended into the lower parts of the earth."

There are three major answers that are given; 3 views, they revolve around just how one takes the genitive of the earth."

#1 "into the lower parts, namely, the earth" [gen. apposition]

This view is taken to refer to His incarnation, and the condescension and humiliation connected with it.

The idea is from earth he ascended to earth he descended.

#2 "into the lower parts which belong to the earth" [gen. of poss.]

This view says it refers to the grave, therefore would stress His death and burial in the tomb.

#3 "into the parts lower than the earth" [gen. of comparison]

This view says that Christ descended into Hades/Sheol the abode of the dead, between His death and resurrection.


Last phrase of vs:10; "that He might fill all things."

With His ascension, and session and the placing of all things under His authority gives Him the basis for blessing all who believe in Him as they relate to Him; (1:3)

but this fullness is especially true in His role as head over the church, His body which is the fullness of Him who fills all in all. (1:23)

4:11 Christ's gifts to the Church

- There are two words that are important in establishing what a spiritual gift is.

- 12:1 pneumatiko,j pneumatikosj characterized by the Spirit, emphasis on the source. [pl. "now concerning spirituals"]

- 12:4 ca,risma carisma gift; emphasizes the basis of the gift, grace

Summary observations on Spiritual gifts

1. DEF: A God given special ability to function, for serving the body of Christ, the church.

2. Distribution of the gifts

Every believer has one. 1 Cor 12:6,7,11; also 1 Pet 4:10

3. Existence of the gift is the result of a sovereign choice of God.

- just as He wills 1 Cor 12:11 also in vs:18 just as He desired.

4. A distinction should be made. A Spiritual gift is not spirituality.



5. There is variety; many types of gifts.


6. The goal of the gifts, always the same; there is a definite purpose!