Lesson 43 July 27, 2003


1. This is the ultimate, the final goal, the climax of Paul's prayer for the believer! That is, that we would be filled up to the fullness of God!

2. This petition depends on the fulfillment of the first three for it to be realized in the life of the believer.

3. Positionally you are filled to the fullness of Christ! Col 2:9-10

4. Two other times Paul speaks of being filled in Ephesians; both are pertinent!

- Eph 4:13 "the fullness of Christ"

- Eph 5:18 "filled with (by) the Spirit"

- 5:18 emphasizes the means, the agent, while 4:13 describes the measure of the fullness, the standard, that is Christ.

5. This is not saying that we are to be filled with the fullness of God Himself, the infinite; or in some way implying reaching divine perfection.

6. The fullness that we are to be filled with is all the divine resources that God is able and willing to provide us to live the abundant life that has impact for Him and enjoys fellowship with Him.

7. For the believer who lives and operates in their life in the sphere of this fullness of God, is one who exhibits total reliance on God, with a maximum utilization of the divine resources. [the riches of Christ]

Summary of the prayer and its petitions; necessary to live CWOL!

1. The first petition emphasizes the enabling and empowering ministry of the Holy Spirit with the result we are strengthened for the tasks at hand in life.

2. Christ is increasingly at home as you grow and mature in the faith.

- this is not knowledge for knowledge sake at all but an increase in understanding and the resulting discernment that flows from that increase of knowledge of truth.

- it gives us a greater capacity to know Him, to fellowship with Him and to serve Him.

3. Because we're rooted and grounded we have the tools and the provisions available so that we're able to comprehend the full range of Christ's love for us and to know intimately His love for you.

4. That we would be filled up to the full measure of the fullness of God.

- we come to the realization of the resources that are ours in Him and we have total reliance on Him and a full utilization of those resources, the riches of Christ.

3:20-21 Hymn of Praise in closing out the Doctrinal section

What Paul acknowledges here is that the one to whom He is praying has the capacity to meet these requests;

These 2 verses are pure praise in the fullest sense.



To Him who is able

He is able to do exceeding abundantly

beyond all [prep. u`pe,r w/acc. it means above/beyond; the idea is excess]

that we ask or think,

How is this all possible??

A couple of things are pertinent to help answer.

#1. Is related to principle of prayer itself!


#2. The second thing is seen in the last phrase of vs:20

"according to the power that works within us."

What is the source of the power that is to be constantly working within us?




1. Paul knows that in his prayer he has asked much!

2. But he also knows that God is more than able to fulfill all the petitions!

3. All of what Paul explains here is available to each of us based on our position in Christ.

4. Paul also knows that if we as believers are going to experience the superabundant provision of God in our lives, the substance of these 4 petitions must be realized.

5. Not only is the indwelling Holy Spirit God's pledge of our inheritance, our destiny as believers but also the H/S is the pledge of God's limitless power in our lives to perform and complete in us what He desires. [Eph 1:13-14]

6. Since God has clearly pledged His power to us, why do we not see more evidence of it among believers today?




** In the light of all that Paul has said in his prayer and praise it is pathetic to find many believers seemingly content to live on a much lower level in their Christian life than God desires for them to live.


As we're seeing in Eph there is much that God desires to do for us since we are "in Christ" but we can shut down His working in us as we fail to ensure that God the Holy Spirit is ruling in the inner man, illuminating the truth of the Word that is being built up in us as we hear and believe that Word.

Now lets Look at 3:21;

"to Him [be] the glory in the church and in Christ"


in the church and in Christ


*** If there is one thing that I want you to remember out of this doxology, this prayer of praise is that, to us, the church, the body of Christ is placed the great honor by our Lord to glorify the Father in this age.


I would close this section with the exhortation of Peter after he details many of the things that God is going to do in the future;

He basically says since you now know these things he asks a very penetrating question "...what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness?