Lesson 39 July 20, 2003

Intro Review:




3:11 [This was] in accordance with the eternal purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Here we note the reality, that what God is doing in and through the church is not an after thought but was a part of His eternal purpose;


- This purpose, plan, what He is doing in the church, reconciling both Jew and Gentile into one new man, one body; is an accomplished historical fact,


See clearly God's eternal purpose is centered in Christ and His work on the cross which provides the foundation and the basis for all that He is doing in the Church and in the lives of those "living stones" that make up the Church.


3:12 Practical application that is drawn from the preceding; like a post-script.

- The one through whom we found in 2:18 that we have access to the Father is the same one in whom the eternal purpose of God is centered.

- Our access is characterized 2 ways here:

#1 "boldness" parrhsi,a (parresia) idea is that of speaking freely, without inhibition, liberty of speech; therefore boldness

#2 "confident access" prosagwgh, evn pepoi,qhsij > peiqw peiqw having been completely persuaded, therefore having confidence; speaks of having strong convictions. prosagwgh, evn pepoiqhsij

* Stop and think about just how many believers who do not experience this boldness and confidence not only in access to the Father but in their Christian life in general; as we will find its all related.

3:13 See this confidence overflow in the difficult circumstances of Paul's life. vs:13 is a transition verse taking us back to the prayer that he started in vs:1

- Paul states here that his suffering, his tribulations are their glory!


They are not "to lose heart" evgkake,w en + kakew; to give in to evil, to be good for nothing, to grow faint, idea therefore is to become discouraged.

Since part of God's eternal purpose is the blessing of the Gentiles, the suffering, the pressures endured by Paul in his ministry, in the fulfilling of his stewardship are for them, for their benefit.

2 Cor 4:16-18


1. The word of God is distinguished from all other writings on the basis of its source.



2. We participate in God's plan for the ages; or our impact as believers is eternal.



He is the eternal focal point of God's plan, His glory and honor and we're in Him and therefore we share His destiny!


3:14-21 Prayer for Wisdom; Introduction

This paragraph, [intercessory prayer + benediction] does a couple things; First it closes the doctrinal section; and secondly it provides a transition to the shoe leather section.

This is a prayer for Wisdom for those in this new body the church.