Lesson 34 July 6, 2003

5. Subjection of the Flock

The primary responsibility or duty of the shepherd can be summed up in one main responsibility, that is provision for the sheep.

The chief obligation of the flock, the sheep is a recognition of the authority of the Shepherd.

a. The obligation of the flock to the shepherd is subjection. Heb 13:17.

b. This is also implied by use of 'overseers' in Acts 20:28; 1 Pet 5:2 which describes an aspect of the Pastors role. evpi,skopoj

c. Believers who are scattered without a shepherd are going astray. Matt. 26:31; Ezk 34:5; 1 Pet 2:25.

d. The P/T must remember that he is a servant, indeed with authority and never to be a tyrant.

VI. The Local Church, its function as the local microcosm of the body

A. Primacy of teaching within the Local Church

1. Examples from Scripture:

a. Acts 2:42 describes the events of the day of Pentecost as hearing the Word, fellowship, the Lord's table and prayer.

b. Acts 6:1-7 introduces the problem case within the early Church of the care of widows and its solution which emphasized the importance of doctrine.

1) The apostles had a complaint, 6:2, too many distractions from studying and teaching.

2) The solution: origin of the office of deacon to handle administrative functions.

3) This released the P/T's to do their job. 6:4.

c. Paul backtracked during his first missionary journey for the purpose of teaching doctrine and appointing P/T's in those new local churches. Act 14:21-23

d. Paul's emphasis at each church that he ministered was to teach doctrine continuously.

1) Antioch - Acts 15:35.

2) Corinth - Acts 18:11.

3) Ephesus - Acts 19:8-10.

e. In Paul's farewell address to the Ephesian elders (P/T's) in Acts 20:17-35 he said that he always kept his objective before him, that he always used every opportunity to teach doctrine and he warned them (P/T's) to shepherd the flock because false teachers (wolves) will not spare the flock (local church).

f. Paul's consistent modus operendi was teaching - 1 Cor 4:17.

g. Paul's proclamation of Christ is 'in every area of wisdom' with the objective that every man (believer) might become mature in Christ. Col 1:28.

h. Paul desired strongly to return to the Thessalonian Church so that he could complete what is lacking in their faith e.g. doctrine. 1 Thess 3:10

i. Paul encouraged Timothy to stick with doctrine and communicate' by means of the words of the faith' (body of doctrine). 1 Tim 4:16

j. Heb 5:11-14 is an indictment of those believers who are not able to endure meat (advanced doctrine) but only milk (salvation or basic information).

B. Direct Statements from the Pastoral Epistles - exhortation to P/T in C/A.

1. Timothy's purpose for being at Ephesus was to teach doctrine in order to combat false teachings. 1 Tim 1:3-4

2. Emphasis of the necessity for teaching doctrine. 1 Tim 4:13-16.

3. 2 Tim 2:2 - to aid those pursuing preparation to become a P/T so that they can carry on the work of the ministry.

4. 2 Tim 2:15 - to rightly divide the Word of Truth - this speaks to the issue of following the true hermeneutic.

5. 2 Tim 3:16-17 Scripture is so designed to take the believer to maturity so that he can fulfill his ministry. {applies to all believers}


a. DOCTRINE - teaching instruction in the truth of W.O.G.

b. REPROOF - W.O.G taught clearly rebukes those in sin, error

c. CORRECTION - hopefully the exhortation of the Word will be motivation for us to straighten out our thinking and then our actions.

d. INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS - education in experiential righteousness - pattern of the life that brings honor to Him.

6. 2 Tim 4:1-4 even in the light of the great apostasy keep teaching the Word for it’s the only solution to man's need!