Lesson 33 July 6, 2003

D. The Church as a Flock

This metaphor has the broadest application of any of the figures that we've seen.

This figure is used to speak of the relationships within the ekklesia, the church.

1. Scripture: Jn 10:1-16; 26-29; Acts 20:28; Heb 13:20; 1 Pet 5:1-4; 2:25

2. Introduction:

a. In the O.T. Israel is the Lord's flock. Jer 13:17; Zech 10:3;

The figure of shepherds, the priests, and the flock, people of the nation is presented very vividly in Ezk. 34. The Lord's exhortation is to the shepherds to fulfill their role and responsibility before Him.

b. Jesus called the circle of His Disciples the little flock. Lk 12:32

c. It is also used of the Church "other sheep" Jn 10:16.

d. The Lord Jesus Christ is the perfect complete Shepherd. Heb 13:20 (great shepherd of the sheep).

3. Gathering of the flock. Jn 10:1-16 (verse 1-6 is the parable while verses 7-16 is the interpretation stated in broad metaphors)

a. Christ is the door into the fold - The true sheep enter the plan of God, into relationship with Him by the door - therefore salvation is taught first.

b. Christ is the Shepherd who dies for the sheep in verse 11,14 and 15.

c. He has two folds/flocks:

1) one is true Israel - verse 8.

2) the other sheep, verse 16, is the Gentiles who respond and believe and become along with believing Jews a part of the new man, the Church Eph 2:15-16

- they will become one flock ginomai become something they weren't at the time, one new man in Christ

At the time Jesus taught this the Gentiles had no fold, no outward organization as did the Jew but were those sheep who were scattered abroad. John 11:52

d. True sheep, those who have believed in Christ cannot be lost. Jn 10:28,29.

e. Both the fold of Israel and the Church will be one flock in the future. Jn 10:16.

f. Within the fold the Chief Shepherd assigns certain sheep as an under shepherds, the picture drawn is based on an oriental system of shepherding. Jn 10:2.

g. Under shepherds early in the AM came to the door of the fold and called his sheep. (emphasis on verbal communication) He then led them out to pasture for the day (concept of protection from predators and to provide nourishment for the sheep).

h. This teaches that the chief shepherd assigns one P-T to his very own flock. Acts 20:28

i. If he does his job (teach truth, BD) they will follow him, that is, the truth taught and nobody else. Jn 10:3,4 (will reject false teachers - presupposes that they have a frame of reference of truth and are using it).

j. A false teacher they will absolutely not follow but will flee from him. Jn 10:5.

k. False teachers are constantly trying to lead people astray. Jn 10:1.

- John also warns of false teachers in 1 John 4:1-3

l. The door keeper is God the Holy Spirit. Acts 20:28.

- It is the H/S who illumines the truth giving the discernment necessary therefore "opens" in vs:3

4. The tending of the flock - Jn 21:15-17; 1 Pet 5:2.

a. The shepherd of the flock, J. C., has committed the task of shepherding to under shepherds.

1) baskw feed = to feed, nourish, support,

2) poimainw shepherd = indicates the leadership role, the office of shepherd or as we know it today as to Pastor, to lead, guide and guard the flock.

Twice he exhorts Peter to basko that is feed in the sense of providing the nourishment needed - means of course is by teaching the word.

Once in vs:16 he exhorts Peter to do the work of shepherding, which brings into focus the leadership aspects like discipline, authority, assistance as necessary as well as feeding.

This passage makes very clear whose sheep they are? "My sheep" Christ's. They belong to Him therefore every P/T must be careful to remember that! To abuse that position and authority and responsibility has severe consequences.

b. Peter passes on this exhortation to P/T's to poimainw the flock among you in 1 Peter 5:2.

c. God the Holy Spirit appoints the P/T to his sheep. Acts 20:28

d. The congregation is called an allotment kleros , of the P/T. 1 Pet 5:3

e. Peter also informs us that there is to be a unity and a relationship between the P/T and the congregation, the sheep. 1 Pet 5:2

- the charge is to shepherd the flock, the sheep that is among you, in the same geographical location.

- The flock is God's, belongs to the chief shepherd but is portioned out among the under shepherds, the various P/T's to whom that local assembly is assigned by God the H/S.

f. What is to be the motive of the P/T?

1) not for financial gain. 1 Pet 5:2

2) not by compulsion, mental attitude. 1 Pet 5:2

3) not as a bully, just because you have authority, but must learn to wear your authority well. 1 Pet 5:3

g. The P/T must be an example not only in doctrine but also by his life. Heb 13:7

h. The reward for the faithful P/T is the crown of glory. 1 Pet 5:4

i. The P/T's job is twofold as seen in the title of Eph 4:11; and in Acts 20:27-29 which summarize the exhortation we saw in John 21:15-17 feed and shepherd.