Lesson 32 July 2, 2003

C. The Church as the Building


When Paul summarized his argument for equal privilege of the Gentiles and Jews in one new body, he used two figures or metaphors. Eph. 2:19-20

First Paul explains that they are both fellow members in the household of God and have family privileges.

Then in verse 20 Paul shifts his focus from that of believers dwelling in the house to now constituting the house, the building. Believers Peter says are "living stones" who are being built up as a spiritual house. (1 Pet. 2:5)

So what Paul is doing that we want to develop at this point is that the ekklesia, that is the universal church, all believers, are a great building in the process of being constructed upon its solid foundation, with its chief cornerstone.

This building is God's habitation on the earth, a temple purified and set apart based on the merit of Christ and His complete work on the cross.

We became a part of this building by faith in Jesus Christ.

1. Scripture: 1 Cor 3:10-15; Eph 2:19-22; 1 Peter 2:4-8.

2. The identification of the foundation: (always start a building with solid foundation)

a. 1 Cor 3:11 "For no man can lay foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ."

(He alone, His spiritual death on the cross, is the basis for salvation. )

There is salvation in no other for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12

- Paul as an apostle being instrumental in the founding of the church at Corinth as well as many others is called here a wise master builder. (vs:10)

- here in the context Paul takes the principle related to the founding of the universal church and applies it to the local assembly at Corinth in an attempt to straighten out some the issues that they have, factions, cliques they had.

b. The foundation of the building is also said to be related to the teaching of the Apostles and Prophets (N.T. type) Eph 2:20; 3:5.

- here the context is primarily focused on the universal church with the implication that this teaching is needed in the local assembly down through each generation.

3. The cornerstone of the building

Note: Ancient building practice, the cornerstone was very carefully laid; it was crucial, because by it the entire building was lined up and tied together. The reference point.

- Eph 2:20 avkrogwniai/oj avkrogwniai/ojs akros = high point, top plus gonia which means corner or angle; came to refer to the corner stone.

- 1 Pet 2:6 "choice stone, a precious corner stone," li,qon avkrogwniai/on evklekto.n e;ntimon; NET: a chosen and priceless cornerstone, quote of Isa. 28:16

- 1 Pet 2:7 the very corner stone, kefalh.n gwni,aj lit the head of the corner (KJV)

a. Christ is the cornerstone and His significance to the spiritual structure is so significant that He is identified with the entire foundation. 1 Cor 3:11;

- B.L. is Christ is indispensable, in that the whole building depends on Him!

- So Christ is both the cornerstone and the foundation of this new building.

- The cornerstone brings into focus the cohesion of believers making up the body of Christ. Specifically in Eph 2 the removing of the enmity between Jew and Gentile and bringing them together in one new man, the church.

- The foundation implies our total dependence on His work on the cross and His strength realized through the thinking, the mind of Christ becoming our thinking.

- As we consistently take in the word, believe it and live it we will not be put to shame in time or at the JSC. 1 Pet 2:6

b. Christ was the stone (liqosj) rejected by the builders, the spiritual leaders of Israel at the 1st Advent and yet became head of the corner. 1 Pet 2:7; Acts 4:11; Mt 21:42

- Christ as the stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. Mt 21:42

- rejected avpodokima,zw avpodokimazw to reject after evaluation, they examine Jesus and His claims as Messiah and concluded He was useless, unworthy of trust

- He was rejected by His own people and His own generation but was accepted by God, "choice and precious in the sight of God," 1 Pet 2:4

- Even though being rejected He stayed with the Plan of God for Him during the incarnation and was promoted, seated at the right hand, in His resurrection body, place of honor and glory.

- You too if you stick with the will of God, that is stick with BD, consistently apply it you too will be promoted in the plan of God.

- This is true even though in time by applying truth you may be rejected by friends, by family members, your associates at work.

- If you begin to doubt the value, the worth of divine vpt in your life, your already headed into trouble, deluded, and headed towards disaster.

c. Christ's rejection left the construction of the house of Israel incomplete and suspended for the period of the Church-age.

d. Therefore Christ began a new structure, a new ekklesia, the Church, founded on Himself, the Apostles and the N.T. Prophets.

e. The two walls that he joins together as the cornerstone are the Jews and Gentiles.

4. The stones of the building:

a. Individual believers in Jesus Christ are regarded as 'living stones', each contributing his/her part to the progress and completeness of the edifice. 1 Pet 2:5.

b. As living stones they posses the life of the risen Christ, 2 Pet 1:4.

c. There will not be too few or too many stones in the building.

5. Progress of the building. (growth)

It may seem like a paradox since we do not often think of a building growing but that's exactly what is happening.

a. Issue: Is the progress quantitative or qualitative?

b. Quantitative growth is dealt with in Eph 2:19-20;

1) As BEL's in Christ we have been placed "once and for all" in the foundation.

2) This foundation is Christ to whom we are affixed by positional truth (the mortar) 1 Cor 3:11.

c. Qualitative growth is found in Eph 2:21-22.

1) Each believer who himself is a temple of the living God is related to the other believers in the local church.

2) The whole building, the corporate entity, is being skillfully fitted together (sunarmologew - present = process and will not be finished until the Rapture).

3) This corporate entity then is said to be growing (present act ind of auxw in verse 21). (Col 1:10; 2:19; 2 Pet 3:18) and being built up together, (sunoikodomew - present pass ind - team concept.

4) The context emphasizes that you cannot grow up in Christ apart from the environment of the local church.

6. The character of the building:

a. Anomalies of the building:

1) believers are "living stones".

2) a "living stone" being also the builder.

3) each believer being both a stone in the building and also a building - a temple of God.

b. Significance that the building is called a naos, and not a hieros

1) The naos refers to the inner sanctuary as opposed to the overt building or structure, the hieros.

2) Entrance to the naos was granted to the priests only under the M/L.

3) The naos is the special place of Divine presence (Holy of Holies).

4) Believers of the Church age individually have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the potential indwelling of Christ thru BD - His thinking. BEL minus BD equals defiling the temple', while in that condition there is no ability to live the CWL.

5) '.....He who defiles the temple is he who is destroyed 1 Cor 3:16,17

6) Under ultimate sanctification (Ph 3), the Believer in eternity, we reside with the Trinity, who are the naos of eternity future Rev 21:22.