Lesson 24

Intro Review



2:17 Quote of Isa 57:19

He came, first advent, made the complete provision through His cross work, in His own flesh, the means of acquiring peace; and it's through His faithful servants down through the ages communicating the gospel that the peace is proclaimed.

2:18 Through Him we have Access!

The emphasis here is that it is Christ alone that leads us to God, provides us access to the Father!

- This word for access is only used in 3 passages; ours here; also Eph 3:12; Rom 5:2.

- Did you pick up the reference in vs:18 to the Trinity??

- What is the Holy Spirit's role in this access? Very important one!

#1 pre-salvation conviction of the need of a Salvation. Illumination of the Gospel.

#2 At salvation; enters the believer into union with Christ; call this Baptism of the Holy Spirit, 1 Cor 12:13;

#3 After Salv: He indwells all and as we walk by the Spirit our ongoing access is enabled.


2:19-22 New unity, this new body becomes a building, the Church


* If we are to truly understand the extent of the riches of His grace toward us, to realize the extent of the spiritual blessings that are ours we need to recall our previous status; were spiritually dead in our sins, separated from Christ, having no hope;

But that has all changed, now that we are in Christ!


"you are no longer strangers and aliens"


- These two terms express the inferiority of our previous condition and therefore highlight the extreme privilege that we now have, that of being fellow citizens and members of God's household.

but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of God's household,






So Paul has asserted that these Gentile believers who were strangers and aliens are now citizens with the saints of all ages and also members of the family of God this new man, the church, the body of Christ .


2:20 begins the focus on the building of this new "temple"; this new dwelling place of God!

Trace God's dwelling with man down through the ages.

1. In Genesis, [disp. of the Gentiles, patriarchs God walked with His people; Gen 5:22,24; 6:9

2. Having called out a people, Israel, He told them to construct a sanctuary, a tabernacle so that He could dwell with them.


3. When the first Temple was built and dedicated in Jerusalem by Solomon, the "cloud" filled the house of YHWH; 1 Kgs 8; 2 Chr 5

4. The next dwelling of God was the body of Christ, "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory, glory as the uniquely born one, from the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:14


5. God does not dwell in temples, buildings made by man as He did under the old covenant; Acts 7:48

6. Today God dwells in those who have trusted in Christ, personal or individual emphasis. 1 Cor 6:19-20;

7. And corporately, collectively in the church, universal; that is as His body Eph 1:22-23; Eph 2:20-22