Lesson 23

Intro Review:





2:13 "But Now" All is changed; the seeming impossible has occurred!

- That new condition is the new position in Christ; "formerly without Christ"; "but now in Christ" vs:13


But also we will find that the parties are also reconciled, brought together to form a new unity, that is becoming one body in Christ.


So the cross work of Christ believed, has turned isolation, separation into reconciliation.




4. An Explanation: Enmity becomes peace. 2:14-18

"For He Himself is our peace"


The construction here points out 2 ideas;

#1 it points to something well known;

#2 it points to something, someone which alone merits this special designation.



- Should be able to see that in this context; hostility and enmity has been replaced by unity, in this new body, the church.



Summary observations on peace:

1. That Christ is the basis of peace; Rom 5:1, 10a; Col 1:19-22

2. The price of this peace was great; Isa 53 details, suffering servant

3. 1 Cor 14:33; contrast is confusion in the local assembly by misuse of spiritual gifts; with peace, the order and harmony that should exist in the church.

4. Col 3:12-15 best illustration of the positional peace flowing out of the life of the growing and advancing believer.

5. For the sinner/Unbeliever there is no peace; Isa 57:19-20

What vs:14 says Christ did!

#1. "having made both one" - speaks of a unity that was not there before;


#2. "having broken down the barrier of the dividing wall"

Question here what is the barrier that is being broken down so that the 2 can be one?

1. Most seem to take it to refer to the wall, balustrade, that separated the court of the Gentiles from the temple proper.


2. Others identify the barrier with the veil, the curtain that separated the holy of holies from the most holy place;

3. The context here strongly suggests that the dividing wall that is being described is not a physical barrier, but the spiritual enmity that existed between the Jews and the Gentiles which separated them.

2:15-16 Describes how and why this enmity came to an end.

- "by abolishing in His flesh the enmity";

Here we find the cause of the enmity was the Law; it was the law that detailed all the distinctions between Jew and Gentile; all the dietary laws; it defined what was clean or unclean Lev. 11-15, 17-22;

** Mosaic Law; 3 major parts; but always looked at as a whole, a unit in Scripture

1. Moral Code: statutes; designed to protect human freedom; give an opportunity to respond to the message of the gospel. Decalogue

2. Spiritual Code: ordinances; worship, shadow Christology;

Salvation, Soteriology was clearly presented in the sacrificial systems; Presented YHWH, the God of Israel as the substitute for them.

3. Social Code: Judgments; laws for the function of the nation; included the dietary, health requirements; military; taxation.




Look at Col 2:14 see what Christ did to the law!


This brings us to 2 very important purpose clauses.

#1 "that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, [thus] establishing peace, (15b)


What is the new man?

This relationship, the church, is new, kaino,j, new in character, quality;


The result of God's work: thus making peace.


2:16 The 2nd Purpose!

#2 "and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross,"

Key word here; "and might reconcile" avpokatalla,ssw

- The instrument of this reconciliation is the cross;