Lesson 13

For this to become a reality Paul asks that God would give them  2 things;  "a spirit of wisdom" and "revelation"


- "wisdom"  sofi,a  aspects / implications of sophia 

#1 Insight into what is the true nature of things or people; idea is spiritual moxy!


#2 It's a sense of what is fitting and proper in a given set of  circumstances.


#3 Ability to analyze and use knowledge.


"revelation"   avpo + ka,luyij  to cover;  together,  to take the cover off of; therefore a revelation, an unveiling, a disclosure that is intended to enlighten;


Here we have a disclosure of knowledge, truth related to Christ which results in full knowledge of Him.


Ø      So what Paul is emphasizing here is the Holy Spirit's work of shaping the believer's understanding and attitudes to bring them into harmony with truth, DVPT.



2.  1:18-19a  Now to the particulars; the specifics

- Revolves around three things, our hope, our riches, our power!

a.  "the eyes of your heart may be enlightened" 


Have here another indication of the active ministry of the H/S and His connection to our relationship with the Word,  being responsive to it as it is illuminated by the H/S.



* The purpose of His illumination, or enlightenment here, from this context, is so that we are able to come to know the greatness of God's plan for us and His provision for us in Christ. 



b. See that in the next phrase;  "so that you may know"



c. Let's see what we are to know; three things; all a part of the epignosis of Him

#1  is  "what is the hope of your calling"


- When he refers to the hope of our calling the hope takes on an important meaning.

Def: Hope here looks at the future aspect of our salvation and views it with certainty.



** Notice that Paul is praying that these believers would have supernatural help, illumination by the Holy Spirit so that they could obtain a realization of this hope!  It's not innate!


Why the necessity of the Holy Spirit's ministry to make this known, to have this DVPT related to the future in the present??



  * Is there anything that having an eternity orientation, an understanding of our future hope, can do for us now??




How does all of this fit with "your calling?"  what's in view?

Our calling as believers has a past, a present as well as a future aspect as we have just been noting.

- The Past!  2 Tim 1:9 already taken place = salvation.

- The Present! Ongoing call! 1 Ths 2:12; 5:24

- The Future!  Titus 2:13  blessed hope!



#2 of what we need enlightenment, so that we're able to grasp it;

"what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,"

- Our inheritance is wrapped up in Christ.



- It is through the saints, the redeemed that God puts on display the surpassing riches of His grace. [2:7]  

- Think of it,  He created and owns the universe, all that is in it, and yet you as a saint are considered by Him to be His wealth!


#3  The third aspect that we need illumination to fully understand;

"what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe."


- Paul is very emphatically calling our attention here to the extent of the resources we have in Christ.


- Word surpassing, u`perba,llw  [pres.act.ptc.] describes the power, His power available to us;


Ø      The 3 uses of  u`perba,llw  in Ephesians I believe are informative;


#1 Eph 1:19 surpassing/exceeding power; du,namij;  inherent power;         power that is inherent because of its very nature;



What's this power related to??  [2 things in context]

-  1st The ministry of the Holy Spirit!

-  2nd The  evpi,gnwsij  the full, complete knowledge of Him.



What we find here  in vs:19a is that there is a conditional aspect noted!

This power is directed "towards those who believe."


Warning:  it is His power that is directed towards us;  it’s a  supernatural provision; not something you can crank up from your own natural ability and efforts.


#2 Eph 2:7  "surpassing riches of His grace"


- God is going to put on display the surpassing riches of His grace that is extended to us in Christ; which has been exploited!


#3 Eph 3:19  the love of Christ that surpasses, goes beyond human         knowledge.