Lesson 9






5.  1:8   "which  (GRACE)  He lavished upon us."   great translation to express the relationship of God and His provision for the believer. 


- this abundance or overflow of grace is directed towards us!


* So we have a statement then that He has lavished upon us, through grace not only redemption, forgiveness;   But also He has lavished on us wisdom and insight!


6.  The revelation of the mystery 1:8b-10

- "in all wisdom and insight He made known to us the mystery of His will"  


- "wisdom"  =  sofi,a;  knowledge that sees the issues, the heart of things;   speaks of the skill of application;


- "insight"   =   fro,nhsij;   speaks of a way of thinking, a mindset; an attitude;



- This wisdom and insight is another of the spiritual blessings that we have in Christ!




When one's life is steeped in God's word, that one is given wisdom and is equipped with the discernment to face whatever comes in life.



* Point here is that in grace what we're given is wisdom and insight so that we might grasp a part of the divine purpose for the ages namely that part indicated by  "the mystery" of which we have a place.


As used here and throughout Eph. and Col.  musterion (musth,rion) takes on a special meaning; It refers to something previously concealed but now revealed.

- This mystery vs:9 says,  He made known to us  the mystery of His will


These verses   3:3, 4, 9; 5:32; 6:19;   Col 1:26,27  point us to the meaning or use of mystery as referring to truths, doctrine that is only true of the Church age;  specifically the unique TRUTHS  of our relationship as  believers to Christ!


* But is that the primary focus here in 1:9-10?


The objective noted here is to bring God's plan to its ultimate goal and completeness in Him:  read vs:9-10.



* These verses answer at least in part why God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ!

#1 Because it is what He has purposed for His benefit;

#2 How? As we respond to His grace; grow and mature by renewing our mind to His, and living out these truths; we are exploiting these blessings; we are doing what?   Bringing Him glory!  vs:12


1:10  The Goal

begins  eivj;  pointing to the direction of history! direction of His plan and purpose; 

"toward an administration suitable to the fullness of the  times"


There's an important word in the first phrase here in vs:10

-  the word oivkonomi,a  means to manage a household, to arrange, to order, to plan


1.  Some Observations on administrations or dispensations;   oivkonomi,a


1.  A dispensation is a period of human history expressed in terms of divine revelation, that is, from God's perspective.

2. Therefore dispensations are the divine interpretation of  history.  God's plan related to time.


1.  Apart from understanding "dispensations", the concept of  "economies and ages", the history of man from the divine  perspective, the Bible cannot be understood as a consistent  cohesive whole.  [hodgepodge]

2. The alternative is to allegorize large portions of scripture to resolve apparent contradictions in the Bible which clearly are intended to be taken literally as normal statements of fact.

3. The only interpretation of scripture that will consistently interpret the "ages", the periods of history or "dispensations"  with harmony throughout the scripture is one that adheres to a  consistent, literal, grammatical and historical hermeneutic.

* Can we identify from the text that there are administrations or  dispensations? If so, more than 1?