Lesson 6 & 7






3.  Chosen for what purpose?  Our relationship in terms of Purpose 1:4b-6

Notice what it does not say!  Does not say we're  chosen to salvation.

it says  "that we should be holy and blameless before Him."


THE WHY not the HOW!  the goal of selection! Not the means!

"that we should be"


The first purpose indicated is dual; "holy and blameless before Him"



What we must remember is that there are 3 parts to sanctification;

3 different distinct phases to it;

#1.  Act of setting apart at salvation; position;

#2.  Process of setting apart; in time, during our lifetime;  experiential.

#3.  Ultimate sanctification; being fully conformed to the image of Christ;  in a resurrection body, face to face for all eternity;



The second part of this purpose is to be "blameless" a;mwmoj

-  means to be without defect or blemish;


- Its uses in the New Testament; there are 4!

#1.  Used of Christ;  Heb. 9:14; 1 Pet 1:19.


#2.  Of the Church, the body of Christ in a glorified state;  Eph. 5:27

He died that we might be blameless;  Col 1:22


#3.  Of believers at the end of the Church age; Jude 24; 2 Pet 3:14


#4.  Of believers in the Church age;  now!  Phil 2:15


What about the phrase, "in love" where does it fit, what's the thrust!



** Observation on this love: Our life as a believer, our position is based on a love that not only has no beginning but has no end!


1:5  Our Destiny; as he continues to expand on the purpose of our calling

By means of love, he predestined us,  proori,zw  (aor. act. ptc.)  pro- before;  ori,zw to set boundaries;  to establish limits;    therefore to determine;  i.e. the proper sphere of function


When you couple this with the prep.  pro-  meaning before;   it indicates that something has been established, that boundaries have been set;


So what is this saying to us??

In love, God the Father has designed a plan for the believer;



Everything that this word, predestined, is used of, is defining for us,  is related to the spiritual blessings that are ours in Christ as believers! 


What about this adoption as sons through Jesus Christ? 

- ui`oqesi,a     uioj  +  tiqimi;    to be set or placed as sons;  huios = mature sons;


Observations on Adoption

1.  The adoption spoken of here is not like adoption as practiced today in our society.


2.  Isogogical background of adoption in Rome:  (also Greece) [the placing of sons]

- children taught and basically raised by slaves until 13 or 14.

- at a point set by the father, family would be gathered together

- The toga of youth, would be removed, and in its place the toga  virilis, the toga of manhood is placed on him by the father.

- he then was considered an adult with all the privileges given:   could vote; allowed to handle money; could get married;   military service. 

- emphasis is more on position than on relationship.



3.  You do not get into the family of God through adoption! 

It is through regeneration; being born-again;



4.  Adoption is the act of God placing "His born ones" into an adult standing in the family.  [part of our new position]  

- There is a distinction between being a child of God and being  sons of God.  

- We become children of God by faith in Christ and are then born into His family.  [regeneration]

- Then every child of God is automatically placed into the family as an adult son.  [adoption]


5.  As adult sons we have all the legal rights and privileges of an adult son.

- a babe cannot legally use his inheritance but an adult son can and should; God expects us to use.  [Gal 4:1-7]


6.  When a sinner trusts in Christ and is saved, as far as his experiential condition is concerned, he is a "babe in Christ" and as such needs to grow and mature.  

1 Pet 2:2-3;  2 Pet 3:18



7.  But as to his position is concerned, [immediately after salvation] he is an adult son who can draw on the Fathers wealth, the spiritual blessings in Christ, and who can exercise all the privileges of sonship.  [Point of 1:5]



8.  There is a future aspect to our adoption; related to the return of  Christ and our receiving our resurrection bodies. Rom 8:22-23


Next the means:

"through Jesus Christ to Himself"



The last phrase also speaks to the motivation of God in designing a plan, making a total provision for the believer.

- "according to the kind intention of His will."




1.  Our new position in Christ is mentioned 4 x's in these 1st 6 verses:

"In Christ" vs:1;  vs:3; "in Him" vs:4; "in the Beloved" vs:6


a.  To be "in Christ" means that He is the meritorious cause of Salvation!



b. Our position "in Christ" then is the vantage point of the Ephesians.


2.  Eph.  1:1-6  Calls on us to believe what our senses do not feel.

- It calls on us to walk by faith not by sight  2 Cor 5:7;



- What this passage is calling on us to believe, is what our senses do not feel; for this to occur we have to have a revamped view of reality; a reality of life, of our purpose in life and our destiny that is based on DVPT, on truth, not on emotions.


3.  The plan of salvation, [from f1 to f3] is designed to glorify God not the saved!            1:6; 1:12; 1:14

- "to the praise of the glory of His grace,"  to bring honor/credit and glory to the:

Father;  who designed and initiates the plan.

the Son;  who executed the plan completely.

the Holy Spirit;  who illuminates and applies it.


4.  Grace is the term that summarizes all of it!



1:6 The transition from praise to the Father; to the next section; praise to the Son, the Beloved!

- As we come to realize all that God has freely in grace given to us as a result of our position "In Christ," it should evoke great praise!


- "freely bestowed"   carito,w   to bestow grace, to give grace!


This term "beloved" serves as a transitional title to the next section of praise;  that focuses on the Son;


- Christ is the permanent and fixed object of the Father's love!

** Now think like Paul!   The logic!

If God is finally, fully, and eternally satisfied with Him;  and He is!!

Where are we??

In light then of our position, He also then is finally, fully and eternally satisfied with US!


What do we have??    A very strong statement can be made for Eternal security!