Lesson 8

Impact of the Life of Elijah and its application

Elijah his first Test


1. Elijah’s first test

a. Our Need of God's Guidance

b. There is a Mystery aspect to God's Guidance

c. The Perplexity of God's Plan

Sometimes, God's plan simply doesn't seem to make sense to us. 


When God's will is perplexing, the test comes in how we respond. 


While God does not speak to us directly as He did with Elijah, who as a prophet received direct revelation from the Lord, He does speak to us through the Scripture and, in a certain sense, through the events and circumstances of life.



Illustration: The following details are given of the unusual circumstances under which William Cowper wrote the hymn, "God Moves in a Mysterious Way."  







Principle: God is not in a state of indifference concerning our affairs, our circumstances. 



This is noted in several Scriptures that stresses God's work in the affairs of our lives.  This is part and parcel of God's leading and includes the tests we will face in time.  



There is some knowledge that we as Saints must understand  that leads to having a right Mental Attitude in life no matter what the circumstances might be.


- First need to note the wider context of Rom 8 and we discover it is one of sin and suffering;  we live in a world totally impacted by sin and suffering because of the fall.

Ex: 8:18 sufferings of this present time

8:20 creation was subjected to futility, frustration of purpose

8:21 creation is under slavery to corruption, decay and death

8:22 creation groans / suffers pains

8:23 we groan also


We do not control the undeserved suffering, or the CHP's that we might face in this life but we do have everything to say about how we respond to them;



We are here, in this life, for what purpose?  We are here to bring honor and glory to Him who loved and sent His uniquely born Son to die for us and we are here to bear witness to that fact.


Detail of  8:28a.

Rom 8:28  "And we know..."  says that we need in the light of the present situations, the circumstances that we are facing we need to know some doctrine, some truth or we are not going to be prepared to deal with the circumstance faced.


oi=da  used here is knowledge based on fact;

for that reason it’s a perfect used with a present meaning; therefore something true that is known and has lasting,  on-going influence in the life!



What we "know" then refers to the facts of God's truth, His revelation to us;  And they are not profitable to us unless we know them and believe them;  so that they become indelibly a part of our F/O/R; and we are willing to apply them;  to be obedient to the Word of God.  Heb. 4:2


The believer w/o an extensive F/O/R of truth is like a ship with out a rudder; has no direction in life; headed for a shipwreck. Eph 4:14 



- pa,nta = plural;  and the form same for both nom. or accusative,  if Nom. then its used as the subject;  if accusative it is the direct object of the verb.


* What's the "all things";  all the circumstances of life, all the CHP's; all those things that you will have to face that are beyond your control; all the suffering related to your stand for Christ, all the suffering related to living in a sin cursed world.



* When you take that CHP, that test that your facing and mix it together with what you KNOW, doctrine, the truth from the Word of God, then there is a result, an end.


- “work together” - sunerge,w =; to mix together; to cooperate.



- God takes the circumstances of life and His word communicated and believed and applied to come together to provide for His own.



- The result = "for good" eivj avgaqo,n (acc) eivj = direction toward therefore indicates the result or end.


- What is "good?" Must ask from whose standpoint, or by whose standard, by what definition?


God is the only source of good and therefore God is the only definer of good.


- Since the good here is defined by God!! What is the highest good??  God's glory!


Point is that God takes the adversities, the circumstances of life and uses them in such a way as to present to us various situations in our lives where we're going to have to make choices.



- How can God take this mess I'm in and work it together towards a good end,  namely His glory?? He is the Sov God of the universe!   He is in control!


Paul is describing here the mental attitude that we as believer ought to have as we face each day that He has given us.



- Corrected Txln 8:28: And we know that to the ones who love God, He (God)  works together [blends/mixes together] all things resulting in good, to those who are the called according to (His) purpose.  


Illustration:   Was it good that Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers?  Or that he spent several years in jail for something he did not do? No, of course not, but let's not forget the words of Joseph in Genesis 50:19-21.  



For whom is God at work?  Who did Romans 8:28 point: "to those who love God."



To the believer who loves God and is sensitive to God's working, applying the truth in that circumstance a good purpose is achieved, or can be as we respond biblically--in faith (James 1:2-4).



What is God's final Goal?  "According to His purpose" refers to God's overall goal or plan for man in conforming us to the image of His Son--Christlikeness (vs. 29) that is how we ultimately glorify God in time.