Lesson 29                             


The Things That Don't Work!

Chapter Nine


9:3   This is an evil in all that is done under the sun, that there is one fate for all men. Furthermore, the hearts of the sons of men are full of evil and insanity is in their hearts throughout their lives. Afterwards they go to the dead.


-  any one who operates with under the sun vpt, that is, leaving God out of the equation of life always leads to evil


-  hearts = brain/soul of men are full of evil – whenever they’re under the rulership of the sin nature and therefore the potential is there for all kinds of activity in direct defiance and opposition to the will of God.


-  and insanity is in their hearts throughout their lives.

 insanity =  tAlleAh - madness/insanity

not madness/insanity that would result in one being put in the "funny farm" – considered to be 'non compos mentus'

- it refers to a blindness to the true issues of life.


- insanity here then describes - openly defying the +R stds of God therefore in reality is dealing with moral evil in the life.

*** TXLN: (9:3b)  The wicked whose hearts (brain/soul) are full of evil and every conceivable madness while they are alive, join their righteous counterparts and go to the grave.


- Any activity that we are involved in that is outside the boundaries, the limits God has set forth in his Word for us, DWOG, this activity is irrational and insanity on our part to pursue. 


Must remember that there exists two potential rulers of life for the believer: [to rule your thinking and therefore your life]

1. The indwelling Holy Spirit along with the mind of Christ, the Word.

-  producing within, from the doctrine learned, the new man/the inner man, out of which flows the basis for the character of Christ being reflected in the life.

-  know that construction or use of what is already built is short circuited when God/H-S is not in rulership


2. The indwelling SIN NATURE which is programmed with a knowledge of good (human) and evil (Rom 6:12).

-  Gen. 2:17; Heb. 5:14  From the growth in word we are to have our senses trained to discern good and evil.


3.  Know that the sin nature will always be leading one away from God and His grace provision while it is in rulership.


4.  One of its greatest areas of impact is the break down of the conscience, under its rule one is able to rationalize anything and any activity as acceptable in their own eyes.  Isa 5:20

The Conscience

A significant player in the battle between good and evil, that is, which dominates or rules our life is the operation of what is called the "conscience." 


It must be noted that one's conscience is only as good as the standards that make it up. 


A.  Each person develops a system of right and wrong.  Rom 2:15


B.  In an unbeliever the "good" can either be the   result of compliance with LDE  (recognizes the consequences of breaking the law) or human good.


Adherence to either cannot provide salvation or spirituality. Heb 6:1 (dead works); human good or relative righteousness is rejected  Isa. 64:6



C.  The believer must reprogram their conscience with Divine norms and standards.         Heb 9:14; constant process Rom. 12:1-2 no short cuts;  Eph. 4:23; 



- There must be a constant development of the believer's perception and discernment, [distinguishing between]  which results in practice, in the ability to choose what is right in any given situation.


D.  A new believer is said to have a "weak conscience"  because of their lack of a solid doctrinal foundation. 1 Cor. 8:7,10,12


E. The advancing and mature believer maintains    a conscience with Div/N&S.  Acts 24:16


F.  When we sense guilt it indicates a recognition of failure to apply the "good" standards. 


G. Failure to apply any known standard of DVPT    not only is sin but it leads to a searing of that N & S in the conscience.  Continual searing results in scar tissue. 1 Tim 4:1-2


H. Thus the importance for the believer to maintain the Divine N & S and they're consistent application in our life.


The ultimate source of this love is the love of God poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5).

Only possible with H/S's empowerment.  [only have correct MA with H/S's empowerment and illumination of the Word]



Philosophies that are prevalent  today 


- its all fixed - therefore we might as well resign ourselves to the events, circumstances of life since they follow an irrational blind process.


- leads to the philosophy of despair – Nietzche

- system of thinking that sucks all the hope and motivation from life.

- increasingly feels like a trapped robot and life becomes depressing and an unchangeably dreadful existence!!



- Humanity is glorious therefore exalt yourself.

- Denies the reality of the depravity of man.

- On the contrary - humans possess great and grand potential & are able to do anything on their OWN.

- Holds that  We're good enough and strong enough and capable enough  to pull it off regardless.

- This philosophy was first displayed openly at the Tower of Babel and gains momentum with each passing generation.

- This philosophy may be illustrated by William Earnest Henly in a poem often used in high school lit classes titled "Invictus"  which communicates the humanistic philosophy very eloquently.

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.


In the fell clutch of circumstance,

I have not winced nor cried aloud:

Under the bludgeoning of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate;

I am the captain of my soul.

Get the picture - man is the master of his own fate, the captain of his own soul.

Man is indomitable, unconquerable - invincible.

Man is in charge not God.




- Life is a ball - so enjoy yourself (defective definition of enjoyment)

- Old: Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.

- New: If it feels good do it.

- Your free, unaccountable, available for anything as long as it feels good - forget the consequences.

- Totally throws moral restraint - self discipline to the wind.




- Possessions satisfy so indulge yourself.

- "one who dies with the most toys wins.”

- This is a philosophy that motivates many people today to varying degrees.

- Many become a slave to the details of life, bigger home, best furnishings, designer clothes, slickest cars, yachts, campers you name it.

- DOL will not satisfy - always something more, newer, better, more  impressive.

- w/o BD which gives us the capacity to put things into perspective we'll never be able to truly enjoy the DOL as we should.

     REM: 2:25 who can have enjoyment without Him.