Lesson 25                                 


The Things That Don't Work!



Intro 7:16-18

Solomon has argued in vs:11-12 that prosperity was no sure indicator of being blessed by God, but then neither was adversity a sign of being in the sphere of God's anger.

He said here in vs:15 that he had seen the wicked prosper and he had seen the righteous perish.


7:16  Do not be excessively righteous and do not be overly wise. Why should you ruin yourself?



- What is in view here when he says - do not be excessively righteous  is the self-R  that is built on external religious observations.


-  Real key to the context, the clue that we are indeed dealing with self-R or how man perceives himself in his relationship w/God comes in the 2nd phrase  do not be overly wise.



-  being self-R - puffed up by ones own wisdom - huvpt will bring that one to ruin at some point - the consequences of God's justice


-  You can also see the other meaning of the word when you consider that the self-R type, puffed up with his huvpt wisdom is in reality depending on that self-R/huvpt wisdom to guarantee them blessing before God and they will be astounded - appalled  when it is discovered that it won't do it.


7:17 Warns against indulging in evil and its consequences

Do not be excessively wicked and do not be a fool.  Why should you die before your time?



- The consequence presented here is a stiff penalty  - one only God can carry out - execute! -- THE SIN UNTO DEATH - Max penalty in time - premature physical death


This is not judgment for a particular sin but for a pattern of life of continual sin - excessively wicked / evil.


Ps 55:23; 1 Cor 11:30-32;  1 John 5:16-17




7:18   It is good that you grasp one thing,  (grasp hold of the Prin's of BD in view here)  and also not let go of the other;



The only way to maintain the proper balance and perspective in life is now given.

for the one who fears God comes forth with both of them.



The benefits of this wisdom is now seen in a proverb!

7:19  Wisdom strengthens a wise man more than ten rulers (sultans) who are in a city.



-  DVPT wisdom is a source of great strength - greater than anything man can provide for you.

-  Prov 9:1

-  Prov 21:22

-  Prov 24:3-5


Strengthening by wisdom comes from daily discipline - living the Word daily. Takes time and patience - consistent intake of God's vpt, renewing the mind under the Min of G/H-S, making the N&S of our conscience consistent with His, by His way which begins  w/F-F teaching in a local assembly.


7:20   Indeed, there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins.


-  Ps 130:3-4 Who could stand if God dealt out to man what he deserved for his sins??  Thank God there is forgiveness!!!


***  There never will be a time that we will not need to lean on God's understanding - His truth as we deal with the exigencies of life in our  niches.



1.  There never will be a time that we will not need to lean on God's understanding - His truth as we deal with the exigencies of life in our  niches.

2.  Need to also recognize that our sin nature NEVER takes a coffee break!!

3.  God demands accountability of us and in grace provides the mercy we    need to face all the tests of life.

4.  His Grace never will take you were His can not provide for you!!


7:21   Also, do not take seriously all words which are spoken, so that you will not hear your servant cursing you.


Don’t be intimidated by criticism. 

-  If you do!!  Know that there are some pitfalls à will cause you inner turmoil and generate a bitter MA which often leads to revenge which will poison you.


Swindoll -- When a mule kicks, you consider the source."


7:22  For you also have realized that you likewise have many times cursed others.


- It has been said that if each person knew what another had said about him there would not be two friends left in the world.


If you can't forgive others how can you expect the Lord to forgive you.    

Mt 18:21-22;  Mk 11:25-26


PRINCIPLES from vs:15-22

1. A sense of futility is the product of a disoriented life.

- does not have the capacity to deal with both the prosperous and the adversative situation.


2. Imbalance of BD and practice (applic) leads to self - delusion.


3. Discernment is finding the balance between extremes.


4. Stability comes from applying wisdom daily.


What we need is this wisdom - a wisdom that only God gives (Prov 2:6) and it is not related to one's human I-Q or education – degrees;  but to ones spiritual I-Q -- BDRS + active ministry of G/H-S.


7:23  I tested all this with wisdom, and I said, "I will be wise," but it was far from me.


-  He tested by observation and experience as we've seen and despite all his industrious searching - it all came up empty.


-  God is in control of history - History can be looked at as a running dialogue – a relationship between God and man -- man either lives in harmony  with God or in rejection and rebellion.


There are several tests of history that must be faced.

  1. Revelation:  What will man do with the WOG?

  2. Persecution:  Can our faith stand the test?

  3. Infiltration:  Can you discern the wolves - the false teachers?

  4. Separation:  Are you willing to bear your cross?

  5. Endurance:  Will we patiently endure the tests of life?