Lesson 24                                 


The Things That Don't Work!




7:5  It is better to listen to the rebuke of a wise man Than for one to listen to the song of fools.


7:6  For as the crackling of thorn bushes under a pot, So is the laughter of the fool; And this too is futility.


- rebuke - ga'arh   hr'['G> - rebuke or reproof; correction for error often we are quick to react to rebuke - reproof instead of responding and thinking through the rebuke, does it apply or not; our arrogance often gets in the way.




**  It is better to listen to the rebuke of the wise - one who is operating on a spiritually sound foundation then to listen to the praise of the fool which is empty - has no substance, no lasting merit - just like the crackling thorn bushes.



7:7  For oppression makes a wise man mad, And a bribe corrupts the heart.


-  In a world marked by many wrongs and injustices - consequences of sin, we must be very careful, work harder to maintain control of our emotions.  That is not to let them take over and rule, become dominate.


Mad = halal indicates an irrational mindset and behavior. (totally looses it emotionally - tantamount to a tantrum)


For the individual the consequence is a destroyed heart - the N&S,  the conscience.  The bribe taker corrupts his understanding and blinds his sense of justice.


 7:8  The end of a matter is better than its beginning; Patience of spirit is better than haughtiness of spirit.


- This fits right in with what he already has said, going back to vs:1 the end of one's life is better than the beginning - true for bel'r only.


- Arrogance of spirit leads one to criticize God and become angry and bitter against others and life in general in this world of emptiness,  under the sun. Ps 73:2-5





1.  Patience is an important part of the character building process in the life of the believer.        Rom 5:3-5


2.  Part of this perseverance is maintaining our focus on our objective as bel's so that we do not grow weary under the pressures of the day.  Gal 6:9


3.  Rem: If you expect to be used by God, to have impact in your life and not to be defeated by the tests in your niche as they occur (and they will) we must be prepared.


4.  You have a destiny - each of us have destiny, not only the good ending in eternity, in the presence of God, but also an objective for your life in phase 2 - and will provide all that is necessary to complete the goal so that we can say as did Paul, "I have finished the course".   2 Tim 4:7


5.  At some point we must come to grips with who is in charge of our lives, God or  you, and that no matter what the situation is - whether prosperity or adversity, are you developing a trust and dependence on Him?  Or are you flailing around trying to solve your problems and dilemmas on your own.


7:9  Do not be eager in your heart to be angry, For anger resides in the bosom of fools.


Anger unchecked is like a cancer that quickly spreads in ones life and produces vindictiveness, hatred, spite and even murder. (extreme from mental murder, anger, to overt murder).


Ps 37:7-8 gives us the proper means of rest in contrast to anger.


7:10  Do not say, "Why is it that the former days were better than these?" For it is not from wisdom that you ask about this.


-  More often than not, nostalgia, if it is more than a reflection on the past, if it becomes a desire to once again live in the past becomes a very real stumbling block to living CWOL.


- Question to ask is not why!!  But how can I learn from this situation!

 *** God will never take you where His grace will not provide for you.


-  preserves - piel of hajah says God is intensely interested in protecting the life of the bel'r who fears Him - lives in His will


-  Wisdom preserves us from the pitfalls of living under the sun.

How?? Solomon I believe has already given us the answers.

#1 - with inheritance/wealth comes the pitfall of pride/arrog.


#2 - With difficulty or adversity comes the pitfall of doubt and disillusionment.

- wisdom preserves us by giving us the DOA's - the survival techniques for any situation faced.


7:13    Consider (look at - reflect on POG - ra'ah) the work of God, For who is able to straighten what He has bent?  (piel of `awat  made crooked - pictures times of adversity in one's life.)



7:14   In the day of prosperity be happy, But in the day of adversity consider-- God has made the one as well as the other So that man will not discover anything that will be after him. (know his future)



1.  We will never get the whole picture if we leave God out of the equation of life.


2.  We must take His wisdom and walk by faith - not by sight.

- this means we need to recognize that God being perfect has designed a perfect plan - a perfect design for the ages > human history.

- His provision will also be perfect and therefore we should be able to function in both prosperity or adversity.


3.  We must recognize that conditions in life will change - count on it.

- personal - national


4.  God is even more concerned with you than your natural parents and better able to meet your need.

- He continually knows our way - our responses, experiences, calamities, the dead ends and apparent impossible situations

- Isa 49:14-16


5.  Today’s challenges and tomorrows surprises are in His hands.

- wisdom applied gives us the ability to take life from the palm of His hand and to handle it.


6.  Wisdom then is the God given ability to see life and live it with rare objectivity and stability.

- having above the sun vpt gives us the capacity to handle life under the sun as it really is.



7:15  I have seen everything during my lifetime of futility; (summary really of the experiences he had and reported on)  there is a righteous man who perishes in his righteousness (like a righteous man like Job hit with all kinds of calamities) and there is a wicked man who prolongs his life in his wickedness.


*** The only way we can properly reconcile the ways of God with the disappointments of men is to avoid judging by mere externals.