Lesson 14                                  


The Things That Don't Work!


3:14-21 Next segment is Keeping Everything in Perspective


3:14-15 What God does!

I know that everything God does will remain forever; there is nothing to add to it and there is nothing to take from it,



for God has so worked that men should fear Him.


**  This fear is not an attitude of terror. It is instead a commitment of the total being to trust and believe the living God.

**  This "fear" should evoke worship of God and humble submission to His Word.




1. Man's arrogance leads to ad libbing the plan of God.


2. The quality of God's actions are that they are permanent and they are complete.  God is thorough.


3. God's actions should cultivate respect - awe for Him not hate as is the case with many.




1. GOD patiently repeats things until the lessons are learned.


2. Anytime we discover an area of weakness, we must have an attitude that there's a vpt that must be brought into line with God's.


3. God is concerned with building complete mature believers.  Eph 4:13-16;   Col 1:9-12


4. Since God keeps pursuing us, the easy way is to learn the lesson quickly and move on.


3:16 One of the greatest enigmas of life - the presence of evil in the world.

Furthermore, I have seen under the sun, (made an observation and come to a conclusion) that in the place of justice there is wickedness,


- to the Hebrew mishpat was the gov't as a whole and how it dealt with its people not just to the court or legal system as we would tend to look at justice with our separation of powers.


- righteousness   tsedeq   - basic idea is to be straight; came to ref to an ethical or moral std; the yardstick for this std is the character of God.


     - Ps 145:17  The Lord is righteous in all His ways.


- Lev 19:15 - the gov't is to administer their decisions according to truth and w/o partiality

- also used of weights and measures in Lev 19:36,


- Passage that closely parallels what Solomon is describing here is in Amos 5:10-24



- Might take note of God's attitude toward evil and wickedness;

- Ps 5:4;  Hab 1:13


- The Believer is to love  righteousness and hate wickedness - Ps 45:7


Solomon quickly adds here that man is held accountable by God for his actions - NO ONE WILL ESCAPE GOD'S JUSTICE.


3:17  I said to myself, "God will judge both the righteous man and the wicked man," for a time for every matter and for every deed is there.

- 2 Cor 5:10; Rev 20:12-13



Christians affirm that God is omnipotent, omniscient, as well as faithful and all good, but that His allowance for volition allows for the possibility of evil.

God does not cause evil or is He unable to prevent evil if He chose to do so, but that He allows evil as a consequence of volition, man's choices.


We know from the Bible that evil will not exist forever, and that a lifetime in the midst of evil and suffering is insignificant compared to eternity in perfect peace with God.


One of the most forceful arguments that is put forth goes like this:

1. If God is all-powerful, he could destroy evil.

2. If God is all-good, he would destroy evil.

3. But evil is not destroyed - its still there.

4. Therefore, no such God exists.


The great skeptic and philosopher David Hume (1711-1776) questioned the Christian God's existence this way.

1. Is he willing to prevent evil, and not able? Then he is impotent.

2. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

3. Is he both able and willing? Then why is there evil.



How can we as those who believe in God answer these kind of attacks and arguments? Is it rational to believe in an omnipotent, omniscient, all-good God in the face of the reality of evil and wickedness in the world?



First of all, the word "destroy" (Gk. apollumi) can be understood in two ways.

#1. It can mean to annihilate completely, in its strongest sense or #2 it can mean simply to defeat entirely.


We must understand that moral evil, wickedness is evil by choice. It is evil for which someone, the agent, is morally responsible. Moral good is goodness by choice. It is good for which some agent is morally responsible.


The point is that neither moral evil nor moral good can occur apart from free will.


When it becomes impossible to blaspheme God, it also becomes impossible to worship Him.   How would a robot bring glory to God?


Conclusion: The only way for God to actually destroy the possibility and actuality of all evil would be for God to destroy all free choice.


This argument can be summarized as follows:

1. The only way to destroy all evil is to destroy all free thought and choice.

2. Even atheists do not want their freedom of thought and choice destroyed.

3. Therefore, even atheists do not really want God to destroy all evil.



The application of the second definition of "destroy", to defeat entirely, is to defeat evil without destroying free creatures. If this is possible, and it involves no actual contradictions, then the atheists argument cannot stand, i.e. that because there is evil in the world there is no God.


We should be able to see that their last statement, their conclusion to the argument, does not follow logically from the previous statements:

1. An all-good God would defeat evil.

2. An all-powerful God could defeat evil.

3. But evil is not yet defeated.

4. Therefore, no such God exists.


As a matter of fact, if God is Omnipotent and Omniscient and all-good, then it is reasonable to believe that he will defeat evil in the future.


There is only one way the atheist can salvage his argument at this point. He must change his statement in #3 above to "But evil is not yet defeated and never will be defeated."


Thus logically the atheist must become God in order to disprove God.



This should raise a question as to why people reject God and become atheists, agnostics or skeptics.

Paul in Rom 1:18-20 states the principle that is pertinent.

Notice that he declares that all men without exception "know about God", come to the point of God-consciousness, know that He exists.  But what is evident to them, that God exists, is nevertheless repressed,  suppressed by them. They have made a conscious decision to reject the existence of God.


The real reason for or cause of atheism is not the lack of rational proof for God, but the presence of rebellious pride against God.

It is the spectacle of the creature shaking his fist at the Creator and declaring, "I refuse to believe in you even if you are there."

Excellent material dealing with this subject in detail can be found in a book by Dr. Francis Schaeffer  The God Who Is There.