Lesson 13                                  


The Things That Don't Work!

Intro to vs:9                                                                                    

In verses 1-8 we have seen that there is order in the world - not the result of chance but because of God's plan.


A key question as we look at vs:9 - Is are we working at cross purposes with God's order - operating out of line with God's time schedule.


3:9  What profit is there to the worker from that in which he toils?

 (one who  works to the point of exhaustion)


- A life apart from relationship with God boils down to zero profit - benefit.  



3:10-11 (These two verses go together)

I have seen the task ('inyan - burden)  which God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves.



- The solution of course is to view life from the perspective of God, ......thru the eyes of faith.  And even the most trivial tasks take on meaning and purpose.


3:11   What Time is It?

He has made everything appropriate in its time.  

- When we see life from God's perspective, our times, our life becomes sensible and meaningful.


How does God make everything fit appropriately, the word in you gives you the capacity and perspective to deal with any and all circumstances in life. Where have we seen that before?  


His second observation:

He has also set eternity in their heart,  

- 'olam - eternity, forever; derived from 'alam - to be hidden, therefore the idea of something being hidden in the future


Man has a longing, a deep seated desire, almost a compulsive drive to know the future, to know eternity.


The transient temporal things of time do not satisfy this desire to know eternity.



You and I are not really ready to handle life -> until we're ready to face death.

When we get eternity squared away - secured, its remarkable what it will do for time today and tomorrow.


3rd Observation

yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.


- Even though the desire to know eternity, to be curious about the future, man operating under the sun cannot know the Plan of God, cannot know spiritual info because of the judgment of the fall.



1. Every legitimate thing in life becomes meaningful with God's word in you which gives you the capacity to enjoy life and to deal with the highs and the lows.


2. This strong desire for a knowledge of eternity is from God.


3. Yet apart from God, the answers are hidden from mankind.



4. One of the problems we have is that we focus our attention on the wrong things.   We see today, the immediate; while God is working on the long haul, forever.



5. The application here is that He makes everything beautiful in its time, including your loss, your hospital experience, your failures, your battles, your fragmented dreams, your lost romance, your heartache, your illness. Yes, even a terminal illness.


6. Under the empowering of the Holy Spirit and the application the word in every situation, life becomes meaningful. Col 3:17, 23-4:1


7. Time spent in the word - concentrating on it, studying it is never wasted time.


3:12-13   I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good in one's lifetime; moreover, that every man who eats and drinks sees good in all his labor--  ('mal - trouble, toil, labor - includes the good and bad aspects of any job)  it is the gift of God.    (mattat - gift, reward)


We see four gifts from God here:

#1 - the ability to rejoice and enjoy life


#2 - the ability to do good (tobh) in our lifetime  - to produce DGP which will be rewarded at the JSC.


#3 - An appetite to eat and drink, therefore to appreciate food


#4 - God gives the ability to see good (tobh) in all our labor therefore we have the right perspective in life.


3:14-21 Next segment is Keeping Everything in Perspective


3:14-15 What God does!

I know that everything God does will remain forever; there is nothing to add to it and there is nothing to take from it,



for God has so worked that men should fear Him.


**  This fear is not an attitude of terror. It is instead a commitment of the total being to trust and believe the living God.

**  This "fear" should evoke worship of God and humble submission to His Word.




1. Man's arrogance leads to ad libbing the plan of God.


2. The quality of God's actions are that they are permanent and they are complete.  God is thorough.


3. God's actions should cultivate respect - awe for Him not hate as is the case with many.