Lesson 12                                  


The Things That Don't Work!


REM: There are basically 4 lines of hatred!

1. God towards man!

2. Man towards God!

3. The good man towards the evil man!

4. The evil man towards the good man!


Psalm 119 the Samekh stanza



- He has not only a great deal of love for something;   But he also has a great deal of hatred for something!   


- REM: when evaluating attitudes must remember that attitudes are neutral;  they must be evaluated in terms of the context where found; the direction of the attitude to see if it is a valid one or a sinful one!


- In the Heb text only 2 words in this first line. (anEf'  = hate)

- The word for vain thoughts/double minded is   [@[ese se`eph] (plural) and it means basically divided.


- The divided can mean one of 2 senses or uses.

1. divided as to opinion; 


2. divided as to loyalty; who or what your going to pursue;  (priorities impacted)


So what does the Psalmist hate here in vs:113??


- The thrust of the context points to the latter as having the stronger force;  the divided sense of loyalty! 



- He's simply saying I have vowed to keep the Word of God and I have a hatred for people who don't do that!


It is a good or bonafide hatred because it is directed towards those who have a divided allegiance to God.


The contrast

But I love your law." 


Both see things in absolutes;  black and white; no shades of gray!  


- When the Psalmist here looks at those with divided loyalties;  he says I have 2 options;  I can love them or I can hate them!


- The concept here in 119:113 is #3 on the list of categories,  hatred flowing from the good man towards the evil man.



- Good man = not someone with a cleaned up presentable sin nature; but one who has adopted God's, YHWH's values, standards.


There are several categories of hatred by the good man Id'd in OT.

1. Hate everything that disagrees with DVPT as expressed in scripture.


- So it is a hatred (strong aversion, a rejection or disavowal) for anything that opposes YHWH's values. 119:104; 113; 128; 163

- vs:104 its either God's way or the false way! DVPT or huvpt!

- vs:128   the same


- What can we conclude:  As one's love for God, His truth, His way deepens;  the hatred, the strong aversion, the disavowal, for everything that disagrees with it expands and deepens also.


2. Having this hatred in the OT was a virtue.


- Ps 139: 21-24

3. Not only is it a virtue but it is also a cmd'd attitude.


- Ps 97:10;  Amos 5:15   not only a virtue but is cmd'd.


4. This attribute is part of reverence for God.

- Prov 8:13 


** Most all the verses dealing with hate are set in a context of love.  Side by side with what is said to be hated is what ought to be loved.


The evil man is going to say the attitude is mutual!

Hatred of the evil man toward the good man.


He was very realistic about the fact that there is a very intense hatred for God, His truth, where ever found!


1. Reality that the good man is hated is not argued that it exists, it is assumed and stated as fact: Dt 7:15;  30:7


2. This attitude may often be carefully disguised or masked!


- Prov 26:23f  here disguised by words.

- Prov 27:6


3. This hatred may exist no apparent valid reason.


- Ps 35:19


- The reason for the hatred then is not to be us!


- REM: John 15:18-19 have an interesting paradox!

   Christ's love for us as bel's is the antidote for the world's hatred of us.


- Have the same idea in 1 Peter 4:15-16


There are 2 other lines of hatred seen in scripture that we ought to note:

1. Parent for his child; manifestation of this is when the parent does not teach the child to recognize or respect authority.  Prov 13:24


2. There are those that hate a place, a city.  Ps 129:5


Why because it is the place of the presence of God, YHWH; the place of His Temple, the place of His Word.


As we increase in an understanding of  DVPT, the values of God then we have an increased base to appreciate, to respond to varying circumstances in life with a basis of true emotion, a true appreciation of what God has done and provided.