Lesson 6                                       


The Things That Don't Work!


2:4-6 The experiment with great building projects

NOTE: In vs:4-10 there appears 8 times the word  liy  ‘yli   which translated is for myself  and expresses ones own personal interest.



2:4  I enlarged my works:  Having seen that the pursuit of pleasure did give him what he was looking for he now rolls up his sleeves so to speak and turns to architecture and building for the satisfaction that he was seeking.


I built houses for myself,  - the most famous of which is the great lodge or retreat he built in the forest of Lebanon. 1 Kg 10:17


I planted vineyards for myself;    - he took up horticulture also


2:5  I made gardens and parks for myself and I planted in them all kinds of fruit trees;


- fruit trees not for the fruit as much as the esthetics of the scented blossoms in the spring.


- During the hot summer, the gardens would provide a refuge from the stifling heat. 


2:6  I made ponds of water for myself from which to irrigate a forest of growing trees.

- was  common to construct great pools or reservoirs to retain what rainfall they had in the rainy season for use later.


All these things didn't provide him what he was looking for in his running from truth and a relationship with God so he quickly moved on to something else.


2:7-10 Experiments with possessions and prosperity

2:7 I bought male and female slaves - such a huge establishment that he had, with all his holdings, would need many support staff - since this is a period of peace he had to purchase the slaves needed.

and I had homeborn slaves.  ytiyBe-!b,,  those born to the slaves in his house.

-         Known for their great loyalty; Abe had many of these Gen 14:14


Also I possessed flocks and herds larger than all who preceded me in Jerusalem.


- Flocks and herds were one of the main ways of determining one's wealth in the Near East at the time.


2:8 He took up collecting things

Also, I collected for myself silver and gold and the treasure of kings and provinces.

- Queen of Sheba brought 120 talents of gold as tribute along with many precious stones and great quantities of spices.  1 Kg 10:10



and the pleasures of men-- many concubines.

- LIT. the pleasures of the sons of man. (~d'a'  emph on source fallen man functioning under the sin nature)

- sheddah sheddot  (sg + pl) princess/wife/queen & princesses = secondary wives (distinct from concubines who had legal status 1 Kg 11:3)


- Many of his wives were like the wife who was the daughter of the Pharaoh (1 Kg 3:1)  (married to cement an alliance)


- What Solomon did here in marrying many women even taking concubines was the custom, the pattern of the day. It was almost a status symbol, the richer one was the more wives he had.


- But it was clearly not Biblical - God's design for man and especially for the King Dt 17:14-17


The statement here that Solomon now turned to the pleasures of the sons of man says that Solomon gave himself to every sexual pleasure and gratification with all these women, the experiment showing once for all to mankind that sex, even in its ultimate sensual expression is not the answer to an empty life as most would imagine.



2:9 He begins to summarize

Then I became  great and increased more than all who preceded me in Jerusalem.




- Rem: he's reporting on the time when he was clearly operating out of fellowship with God.  That is  "UNDER THE SUN"


My wisdom also stood by me.   Through all his pursuits he did not loose his sanity.


** The human viewpoint deception is operative here:  If one has all the wealth and great wisdom and the opportunity to pursue whatever they desire they conclude this will make one happy and satisfied.


2:10  All that my eyes desired I did not refuse them.

- any impulse he had he pursued it - had no limitations, no restraints


- He acknowledges here that there was and is good feeling from these pursuits.  There was a reward a joy in his accomplishments


2:11 Thus I considered all my activities 

He carefully weighed all the things he had accomplished - building projects - gardens  all the entertainment pursuits - the pursuits of sensual pleasure with all his princesses - increasing of his wealth by collecting gold/silver in tribute paid to him.


which my hands had done (only looking at himself no one else) and the labor which I had exerted,   (toil, sweat, energy expended in the doing)


and behold (hinneh – says pay attention) all was vanity (hebel) and striving after wind (1:14) and there was no profit under the sun.


- no profit - no  yitron (1:3) there is no advantage - nothing left after the transaction


Many people appear to be stable, to have it all together and are successful but who are inside in turmoil, dreadfully frustrated!

3 Things mark his conclusions:

#1 - they're all hebel - empty - worthless – futile

#2 - their chasing after the wind - you've as much prospect of attaining your objectives as catching the wind

#3 - There was no profit - no advantage under the sun.



1. We live in a time when it seems that the predominate philosophy motivating people is, if I could just earn enough money to buy into my dream, that would  do it, I would be happy - satisfied!


2. Solomon very strongly says - don't bother - it doesn't do it, it's fleeting at best!!


3. Only that which is eternal - above the sun will provide the satisfaction that the real you, your soul is seeking.


4. Sensual pleasures hold out great promises but lack staying power!


5. Sensual pleasures offer to open our eyes - open us to new exciting worlds, but in reality they end up blinding us.


6. Sensual pleasures disillusion us, making us cover-up artists.


- Its so easy to forget that there is a flip side to the “If it feels good do it” mentality which is neither attractive nor satisfying.



7. The only light at the end of the tunnel is a relationship with Jesus Christ and living the CWOL.