Lesson 6


h. Our perspective on life will largely determine the degree to which we pursue godly goals with righteous attitudes and wise actions, since no decision is made in a vacuum.


(1) The Christian with a world view (perspective) shaped by Scripture will have a much different sense of self-identity.


(2) This believer will face life with a deep sense of security knowing that he is loved by God with a love which he did nothing to earn (and which, therefore, he can do nothing to forfeit - Rom 8:31-39).


(3) This believer has a clear grasp of his personal worth because he is aware that God has specifically equipped him to participate meaningfully in the outworking of the eternal purposes of God.     Eph 2:10; 1 Pet 4:10-11


(4) Both of these  (a strong sense of security and  significance in Christ) free the Christian from self promoting motivations in decision making, and release him to focus more on the needs of others.     Phil 2:1-5


(5) The believer is also reminded that he is on assignment for God in enemy territory. Eph 6:12 (we’re in the world not of it)


(6) That physical life on earth is preparatory for life in Phase 3, and hence, what one invests for God now will be repaid with interest latter. Mt 6:19-21; Rom 8:18;  2 Cor 4:17


(7)  And he will recognize that the unseen forces and resources of heaven are involved in his behalf as he seeks to carry out God's will on earth. Heb 1:14; 11:1;  2 Kg 6:15-17


(8)  It is God's moral will that we resist having our viewpoint molded by the world. Rom 12:2


(9) Instead, we are to walk by faith (2 Cor 5:7) seeing our lives, and therefore our decisions, through the 'glasses' of God's Word.


 4.  Since the moral will of God contains His complete revelation for faith and life, expresses God's own character, and touches every aspect and moment of life, it is fully able to equip  believers for every good work. (2 Tim 3:16-17)  Hence, our response should be obvious:


           a. We need to learn what God has said. Josh 1:8


           b. We need to do what God has said. John 13:17; Dt 10:12-13; 1 John 2:6


5.  As one observes the decision making practices of people, one is forced to the sobering conclusion that the greatest impediments to making good decisions are ignorance of God's Word and stubborn resistance to God's will.     Prov 16:25; Acts 7:51



a. The first thing that is obvious is that God's moral will does not specifically address every decision we must make.

        1. There are many decisions that are not prescribed.


b. The Principle of Freedom is:  In those areas where the Bible gives no command or principle (non-moral decisions), the believer is free and responsible to choose his course  of action. Any decision made within the moral will of God is always acceptable to God.


c. This principle asserts three things:

1.  There are some decisions which have multiple options, any number of which may be acceptable to God;


2.  The final decision made must not be in violation of God's moral will in purpose, attitude, or execution.


3.  Therefore, God will not dictate to the believer what he must do --- the individual is free to make the decision.


d. The Principle of Freedom of choice within revealed limits was clearly part of the Creator's design from the very beginning as seen in God's first specific commandment to man.    Gen 2:16-17

1.  The Lord's statement in these verses clearly established the Lord's moral will with regard to the food available in the garden.


2.  But within the scope of what was His moral will, He did not tell Adam and Eve what to eat and how to eat it, but left that up to their ability to decide.


3.  The only way they could have missed God's will in these decisions would be to have eaten some fruit from the forbidden tree.


e. Principle of freedom and the nature of sin.

1.  Sin defined as the violation of the expressed commands of God, that is the MWOG.  1 John 3:4;  Rom 4:15


2.  Sin then would include the wrong purpose or attitude as well as the wrong action!


3.  If a particular decision  is to be made one, that is one not addressed by God’s commands (MWOG) and one’s goals and attitudes are correct then one cannot sin regarding the decision itself.


     e. Freedom within the moral will of God suggests a diagram:


                                  FREEDOM AND GOD'S MORAL WILL                     












        1. Whatever is commanded by God lies within the circle;

        2. Whatever is forbidden by God is outside that perimeter;

        3. Within the larger circle of God's moral will is a smaller circle showing the area of freedom.