Lesson 3



3. Scripture is right, causing joy. Vs:8a

The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.


Precepts brings into focus the fact that God is the definer of duty; the principles, the guidelines for character and conduct. 


These precepts from the Lord are right; they're straight, upright, correct.  Its more than just indicating what is right as over against what is wrong.




And what does it say will be the consequence of being on the right path?? What is the benefit for now? today? tomorrow?

"rejoicing the heart"  it brings us great joy when believed and lived out




- What this says here is to focus on divine truth and there you will find true and lasting joy.




The Psalmist writing in Ps 119 tells us that he went to Scripture when he was in pain (ynI[') see this in vs:50.




If we follow the human viewpoint solutions we may find temporary relief but not the lasting joy that God can and does provide as we are obedient to His Word!




4. Scripture is Pure, Enlightening the eyes  vs:8b

- the commandment  not a series of suggestions to be taken lightly

- pure   clear, lucid not mystifying

Rem: it is revelation from God, He's true, His word is truth!



Benefit: In a world of spiritual and moral darkness it says that the word enlightening the eyes. 




5. 19:9  The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever;

- speaks of the respect and awe that we should have for God and His word; takes us to His authority.

- tied to hearing the word Dt. 4:10



- what the word pure/clean communicates is that the word is absolutely undefiled and with out blemish. 


Benefit: Scripture endures forever vs:9a



There is nothing out there that is as permanent as the Word of God! Nothing!




6. The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous  19:9b

Psalm 119:138; 142



B.L. The Word of God has been and will always be sufficient for our needs.

When the Word and its precepts are central in our thinking then we will have the capacity to reflect  the character of Christ.



Back to our principles of decision making:

b. Specific areas where Christ is our example in character:

- we are to be conformed to the image of Christ. Rom 8:29

1.  holiness - 1 Pet 1:15-16


2.  righteousness - 1 Jn 3:7; living the standards of the  word


3.  purity - 1 Jn 3:3; takes constant cleansing and applying the Word in the life.


4.  love - Eph 5:1-2; we are to walk in love just as Christ loved us.


5.  forgiveness - Col. 3:13; forgiving one another....just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.


6.  compassion - Lk 6:36; 



7.  endurance - Heb 12:2-4; related to occupation with Christ


8.  humility and obedience - Phil 2:3-8


9.  kindness - Lk 6:35; He is kind, even to the ungrateful, and evil men. (undeserved)


10.  generosity in giving - 2 Cor 8:1-9


3. The moral will of God touches every aspect and moment of life.

a.  God's moral will encompasses more than overt behavior.


b.  He is concerned not only with what we do, but He cares also about what we think, as well as the motivation for what we do.


c.  In other words, God's moral will prescribes the believer's goals and attitudes, as well as his actions.   (the what, why, how)


d.  Furthermore, the moral will of God is to shape our perspective of reality which serves as the context in which our decisions are made. (i.e. to have the proper world-view regarding reality; we must have Biblically based presuppositions)


-  This is something that we must be renewing constantly;   only occurs as we keep learning what God has to say in His Word.


e. Goals by nature are more general than behavioral commands.

Our goals as Christian's should reflect God's stated purposes for us in our lives after salvation,  in phase 2.

(1)  Primary goal = to glorify Him in all things.   2 Cor 5:9; 1 Cor 10:31


(2)  Toward this end some intermediate goals and objectives should be established:


(a)  to fulfill God - given responsibilities.  1 Pet 4:10-11

-  each of us have been given spiritual gifts that  are to be used to minister to or serve one another in the body of Christ; all gifts fill a need in the local body of Christ.

-  as a result Jesus Christ reaps honor and glory as we fulfill these goals


(b)  to minister to others; building up one another.

Rom 14:19; context is dealing with the weaker  believer; one less mature.

- providing comfort, encouragement and exhortation as the need and opportunity arises.


(c) to reach maturity. Eph 4:13; Heb 6:1 ("let us press on to maturity.")

- Context is P/T doing his job of teaching the Word. (vs:11-12)

- this trains and equips the believer who is not just a hearer but a doer of the word for their particular niche of service in the body of Christ.

- This whole passage plays havoc with the notion that you can attain or maintain any spiritual momentum or spiritual maturity, any spiritual impact in one's life apart from the Local Church and face to face teaching.


(d) to do good works and produce spiritual fruit DGP.   Eph 2:10; Col. 1:10; Jn 15:8; Titus 3:8


(e) to evangelize the lost - 2 Pet 3:9; 2 Cor. 5:19-20; 1 Cor 10:31-11:1