Daniel Study - Lesson 41



> From vs:37 we find our next characteristic of the GWD  -  Focus is His religion.


5. He has no regard for any God or gods,  worshiped by anyone.

He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers



- Where does he come from? 



"nor will he show regard for any other god"  



 Not only does he not show regard for any god, but it says also he has no regard for the desire of women.



- Daniel is being told then that this future GWD will have no regard for the Promised Messiah.



- Thus he will be an atheist, a rejecter of every form of established worship,  all forms of religious practice will be set aside!  Rev 17



6.  He has no place for the Messiah, for Christ.

- He who has no regard, no place for Christ will be destroyed by Christ!


>> From vs:38  we see just what he does honor and worship.


7.  He honors only one god, the god of fortresses! 

- idea is the deification of human power,


- It says that his rule and authority will revolve around his military might, that is what he worships.


- He will honor the object of deification by pouring great sums of  money into the building of his military machine and waging war.


>> This pursuit of conquest is seen in the next vs:39.

- Notice that it says that he has some help!  A foreign god!


   > :39b notes his rewarding of those responsive to him.


 8.  He rewards those who share his view of himself;

- If you agree with me that I am god; I will reward you.


11:40-45  The Events that Catapult the Beast, the man of lawlessness to power as the GWD.


Time frame again is clearly marked by the phrase "at the end time."


- The previous section provided us some insight into his character when he rules. 

-  While in this section we see some details I believe that give us clues as to how he got to that point of having such great power.


- Reasons for this conclusion.

1. In vs:40 we see that his power/authority is still being challenged. Therefore must be in the 1st half of the tribulation; prior to the events of vs:36-39.

2. Vs:40b-45 in their strict grammatical structure are speaking of one entity; the King of the north.


- It will be the defeat here of the King of the North that changes the balance of power such that the A/C,  is able to ascend to greater heights of power and become the GWD.


3. There is a consistency of thought throughout these verses; one major  campaign that ends unsuccessful for the invader.


4. This context brings into focus the invasion of Israel by the king of the north that is spoken of in Ezk 38-39.



> 11:40  The attacks;

-  "The king of the South will collide with him"

-  "The King of the North will storm against him"


- Chronology note:  Observation

Isa 30-31 describes the destruction of the king of the north (Assyria = king of the North)  (double ref)

Isa 33-34 describes destruction of the nations.

Isa 35 describes the Millennium, Christ's rule.


-  Joel speaking of the time of the end has the same chronology.

2:20  describes the destruction of a northern Army.

3:1-16  describes the destruction & judgment of the nations.

3:17-21  describes the millennium, the Kingdom of God.


-  Chronology note from Ezekiel: 

Ch 36-37 (dry bones)  ==  clearly restoration passages of Israel as a nation; just as promised in the covenants.

Ch 38-39 after physical restoration they will be invaded, assaulted.

Ch 40-48  Extensive passage on the Millennium.


Focus on Chapter 38 for an overview of the events spoken of here in Dan 11.

- Ezk 38  Gog = name of the prince, the ruler;   Magog = the land over which he rules

- Main member of the coalition;  "comes from the far north"  38:6,15;  39:2

-  Lands involved;  North of the Black Sea; Asia Minor; Armenia; Media

Coalition includes:  vs:5-6

Persia (Iran, Iraq, Syria);   Ethiopia includes Sudan  (Cush);

Put (Libyia);  Gomer,  Meshech ,  Tubal (Turkey)

Beth-Togarmah (Armenia)



Last 2 of these Nations are not North; Ethiopia, Libya; but are  hangers on, submissive to this power from the North, obedient,  joining in the attack when the King of the North moves into the  south of Israel to attack Egypt.  Dan 11:42-43




Circumstances that surround the Gog - Magog war.

1.  The timeframe of this event, the Gog - Magog war is in the Tribulation period, specifically just before the mid point. 

Two expressions used to indicate the time frame, latter years 38:8, and latter days 38:16.


2.  It takes place when Israel is dwelling in her own land Ezk. 38:8


3.  Not only in her own land but is living securely, in peace. Ezk. 38:11


4.  None of this could be said of Israel towards the end of the Tribulation.


5.  We know from Rev 7 that there will be a multitude of Jews and Gentiles saved during the Tribulation period.

This judgment by God in dealing with this Northern king who invades Israel being so obvious is said to be a sign to them. Ezk 38:23;  39:21, Israel in 39:22


6.  God destroys these invading  armies  38:22. 


7.  Clean up;  weapons in 39:9,10;  bodies 39:12-13  7 months