Daniel Study  Lesson 33

Intro Review:



9:25  The starting Point and the first block of time.


Question we must answer is which one satisfies the statement in Daniel, we're looking for a decree that will restore and rebuild Jerusalem.

#1  Decree of Cyrus  Ezra 1:1-3; 5:13  - Time 538/37 BC

- the emphasis here is on permission to return to Jerusalem with the objective to rebuild the Temple not the city and its defenses.


#2  Decree of Darius;  Ezra 6:3-8  - Time 519/18 BC

- this is not really a new decree but a reaffirmation of a  previous one made by Cyrus.


#3  Decree of Artaxerxes  Ezra 7:11-26 -  Time 458/57 BC

- This decree does basically 4 things;

1.  It allowed all who desired to return to the land, to Jerusalem to go!

2.  It provided the materials needed to restore the Temple.

3.  It encouraged them to observe the "law of your God" and to appoint magistrates and judges to rule the people.

4.  They were to rebuild a wall in Judah and Jerusalem and to restore the Temple.  Ezra 9:9


#4  Decree to Artaxerxes given to Nehemiah,   Neh. 2:1-8  - Time 445/44 BC

- This decree is the one that fits Dan 9:25 best!



9:26 examines the next important events in the prophecy.

This brings us to the period of the gap of time, a break in the time line.

Decree                7                                62                                 GAP                    1


3 specific things occur here

#1  cutting off of the Messiah; the cross

#2  destruction of the Temple in 70 AD.

#3rd  thing that occurs in this GAP, the Church Age

The reference to the Messiah being cut-off refers to the fact that the Messiah would be condemned to suffer the death penalty, a most violent death by crucifixion.


#1  cutting off of the Messiah;  the cross


It also says, and He will "have nothing," which indicates he did not receive what He should have as the Messiah in 1st advent.



#2  destruction of the Temple in 70 AD.

The judgment of the generation that rejected the Messiah.

"and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary."





"And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war;  desolations are determined."




Why do we say that there is this gap before the events of vs:27 take place?

1.  We know the events of vs:26 occur after the 483 years.


2.  If these 7 years followed in sequence it raises several questions.

a.  problem of 37/8 years between the cross and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD.  (at least a gap of 37/8 years)

b. What about the 6 things in vs:24; are they all ended??    NO!

c.  Vs:27 says that the abomination of desolation occurs in that 7 year period;


d.  It is not unusual for there to be a gap of time in the context when dealing with prophecy.

                 -  Isa 9:6;  Zech 9:9-10 (vs:9 1st;  while vs:10 is 2nd advent)