Lesson 31

4. The Prophecy of Seventy Weeks   9:24-27

A.  What is Important here to focus on as we look at this great prophecy?


B.  Need to look at the term "Seventy Weeks."

1.  There is no word here in the text for weeks or for years either! 


2.  The word is ~y[ib.vi  (shib`îm)= means a group of seven,  a heptad.


3. What does this say here than? We have 70 groups of 7 or 490!


4. In the context here is the number 490 meaningful??  Is it an arbitrary number?


5. As we have already noted this 70 years is not arbitrary at all.

     - look at 2 Chr.  36:17-21 see the basis for it.


6. Reason for the 70 years was stated in vs:21;  to fulfill the Sabbaths.

- violated the cmd of Lev 25:1-5    They never did this!!


7.  The 490 years is really a slice of Grace!


8.  At this point there is a GAP of time; a time period not seen by the Prophets (Church age).


9. Then we have a period  of time covered in great detail by  Rev 4-19.


10. Why do you think that they failed to observe the Sabbatical year?



C.  Overview of the Prophecy.

1.  Vs:24 gives the whole structure; the total picture;  summary of the whole 490 years covered by the prophecy!


2.  Vs:25 deals with the 483 years; although on the surface appears to make it confusing by slitting it in 2 parts.

Therefore       7 x 7 = 49 years;  62 x 7 = 434 years


3.  Then we have some events mentioned in vs: 26 that are in the "GAP" in between the 483 years and the last 7 years.

-  Then follows 2 events:

#1  The Messiah will be cut off. (trk)

#2   The people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.  70 AD.


4. Then vs:27 deals with the last 7 years, the Tribulation.



D.  The 490 years break down into 3 distinct time periods.

#1.  "seven weeks"  7 x 7 = 49 years in vs:25 for the purpose of restoration.

- runs from the decree to the restoring and rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem.


#2.  "sixty-two weeks" 62 x 7 = 434 years; Messiah is cut off after it. (vs:25)


#3.  "one week" 1 x 7 = 7 years;  the last week, the 70th week (vs:27)



E.  Lets look at the question of why years?? 

- when vs:24 opens with "Seventy sevens (weeks) have been decreed for your people and your holy city."


Arguments for years!

1.   Context indicates years;  Its in his thinking at this point!    9:1-2


2.  If we look at what is being covered by the prophecy, it sure rules out it being days and probably even months.


3.  Also as we look at this prophecy, what else has to fit in here?


4.  Other prophetic passages demand that we think in terms of years. 

Rev 11:1-2   42 months;   3 1/2 years;  13:5







 Chart goes with the  above summary of the 70 weeks.


                                  Past                                  Present                                Future


                               70 x 7                                   70 years                             70 x 7

                       Sabbatical years                       Captivity                          Decreed

                            Violated                            Dan's timeframe                  


                        Lev 26:34-35,43                       Jer 25:11-12                       Dan 9:24-27

                                                                            Jer 29:10


                                 490                                           70                                       490








              49 rebuild       434                70 AD            7  Trib          

     Decree x                                    GAP - C/A           

              Restore city                       Temple destroyed     













Chronology of Passage


490 years


                     - covers the whole period;  time is decreed, marked out

                     - 6 things are listed as being accomplished during this time.



              Decree                            483 years

   9:25    x

                  - ends sometime in the life of Christ, the Messiah

                  - its prior to the Cross;

                  - believe it ends at the triumphal entry






                - 3 specific things occur here

               #1  cutting off of the Messiah; the cross

               #2  destruction of the Temple in 70 AD.

               #3rd thing that occurs in this GAP, the Church Age


                                                                                                                                        7 years      terminates

   9:27                                                                                                                                                         with

                                                                                                                                      tribulation            2nd 
