Daniel Study Notes Lesson # 23  




The climax of the vision.  Scene is still in heaven.

3)  The return and reign of the Messiah  7:13-14


2.  In 7:14a we see the Coronation of the Messiah.

And to Him was given dominion, Glory and a kingdom,  That all the peoples, nations, and men of every language Might serve Him.



3.  The Characteristics of the Domain of the King. 7:14b

His dominion is an everlasting dominion Which will not pass away; And His kingdom is one Which will not be destroyed.


This kingdom stands in contrast to the previous 4 kingdoms of the Gentile world empires.


**  The fact that God could foretell the future course of world dominion with complete accuracy demonstrates His sovereignty over kingdoms and history.


**  The fact that Messiah's reception of the rule of the earth was the last thing portrayed in Daniel's dream implied that the Kingdom of God would be the goal or the grand climax of world history.




     a.  1st in vs:15-18 general interpretation

In vs:15 we see that Daniel is not a casual bystander


In vs:16 we find Daniel requesting interpretation of these things.


In vs:17 the angel gives Confirmation that the 4 beasts are 4 kings = kingdoms.


In vs:18 the angel speaks of the Position of the saints.



Need to ask which kingdom??  This is the 5th Kingdom = of God!

1.  vs:17 (general interp) deals with the first part of the  vision i.e. the 4 beasts.


2.  vs:18 (general interp) deals with the last part of the  vision where the future Kingdom of God was established on earth as the result of the Ancient of Days giving the rule of the earth to Messiah.


3. This says then that the "saints" will receive the rule of the earth in that future kingdom of God.


4. It is God who establishes the kingdom; Messiah on the throne and the "saints" as sub rulers under the King.


5. Rem: The Millennium, the rule of Christ, begins with all believers.  Mt 13:40-43,   47-50;  24:37-40;  25:31-46.


     b.  2nd  vs:19-28 expands, giving greater detail on the 4th beast.

Daniel wants more info;  he was especially curious about the  ending.


Daniel has three things that really perplex him and he desires a further explanation.

#1 is the 4th beast really struck a nerve with Daniel. vs:19;


#2 the meaning of the 10 horns. vs:20a;


#3 the "other horn."  vs:20b;


In 7:21-22 Daniel gives us more details about the operation of the "little horn" after his rise to power from the vision.

1)  This "horn" waged war with the "saints" and overpowered them;


2)  It "had success" until God judged it and its kingdom on behalf of the saints and gave them the rule of the earth through the Messiah.


3)  The destruction of the 4th beast, and the inauguration of the 5th kingdom from heaven is described as a time when the saints will possess the kingdom,


7:23-27 - the Angel's explanation to Daniel

The vision itself put great emphasis on the 4th beast likewise the interpretation will also be on the 4th beast and the "little horn."

7:23  is a "topic sentence," that is a summary statement for this next section.


7:24  focuses on the "10 horns" and then "another."



7:24b the focus is on the "another horn."

1.  Sometime after the rise of the 10 nation confederation,  another, an eleventh, would come up among them. (vs:8,20)


2.  This king will be driven by an intense desire to rule the confederation; not satisfied or content to be an equal in the confederation.


3.  In his rise to power he is going to overthrow 3 of the ten kings; thereby making himself more powerful than any of the other 7.


4.  Originally this horn was smaller than the others, less powerful.  vs:8 "little one"


5.  From vs:20 we see that he becomes larger in appearance than his associates; the other kings.


6.  At some point then this Future Revived Roman Empire will become dominated by and ruled by this man.


After his rise to the top, and has full power he becomes very bold! Very ruthless!

In 7:25  We get a glimpse of what this dictator  (GWD) is going to do!

1.  He will speak out against the "Most High."




2.  He will wage war on the saints of God.