Daniel - Lesson 15 December 19


2.  In vs:4:19-27 we find Daniel's interpretation of the dream.


In the interpretation Daniel is going to say 3 things to Nebuchadnezzar.

#1  The dream is personal in that it applies to you, The tree is you! vs:20-22a.




#2  The Stump is to be preserved is also personal in that it is also you. 4:24-25.




#3  The lesson to be learned from this is also personal. 4:25b-26




4:27  A response Neb should have made!




3.  The Fulfillment of the Dream  4:28-37

In 4:28-29  the certainty of judgment and the reality of Grace before judgment is noted.



Pattern of Judgment in scripture.

1.   Judgment is announced.


#1  God inevitably gives the precise nature of the judgment.



#2  God is always precise about why He is judging also.



2.  There's always a grace period coupled with the judgment;  an opportunity to avert the judgment.



3.  Judgment;   can go two ways;

#1  averted  or  #2  executed 




Note some examples of what we've been talking about:

   1.  Flood of Noah's day; announced by God; period of grace = 120 years.



2.  What about a time when judgment was announced, period of grace was entered;  and there was a positive response to the message given and the judgment was averted?



3.  With Neb here we have another example.


In vs:30 we see again the cause of judgment!



From the human perspective he had good reason to boast as he looked around and surveyed the city.

Babylon was the symbol of Neb's power and majesty and he spared no expense to make it the most beautiful city of the ancient world.



In vs:31-32 we see the execution of judgment.




In vs:33 we see the suddenness of the judgment.