Lesson 10, November 14




There are 3 important Words used to describe the rule, reign of Christ.

1.  Monarchy  Dan 2:44;  7:14; 

  Character of the rule  Isa 33:22


2.  Rev 20:6 see another = Christocracy


3.  Isa. 2:2-3 link to His word and teaching;  Bibliocracy





Final  Observations on the Image

1.  The change of materials, top to bottom represents the passage of time and the succession of kingdoms during that passage of time.


2.  The decreasing value of the materials teach us the principle of declension in human affairs.


3.  The increase of hardness and strength of the material as you descend down the image indicates that as man continues to attempt to rule apart from God, the more that rule would be characterized by military power.


4.  God designed the image to portray the times when the Gentiles would be the dominant power in the world and the Jews would be at the mercy of that power. 


5.  Ultimate purpose of Neb's dream:



[Last section of ch 2]

7.  Neb's response = Daniel is promoted: 2:46-49



In vs:48 we see that the king kept his promise of reward.


In vs:49  we see that Daniel in his time of exaltation and promotion showed great character; 



Daniel Chapter Three

Nebuchadnezzar's Golden Image








Outline of content of Ch-3

 1.  3:1-7  Image and the Decree  



 2.  3:8-18   Defiance of Shadrach,  Meshach and Abednego.



3.  3:19-27  Attempted execution and their Delivery




4.  Then in the last section we're back to a decree again.   3:28-30.



As we go through this chapter we will note or look at it from 3 aspects.

#1 As past history.



#2 From its present lesson.



#3 As future prophecy; aspects yet to come!




In ch-3 we also find 3 characteristics of the "times of the Gentiles."

      #1 The times of the Gentiles will be "anthropocentric."         


      #2 Under Neb, 3 Jewish men believed God's word. [actually 4]


      #3 It all gets brought to an abrupt end by an appearance of the Son of God.