Lesson # 8 October 31

Intro - Overview:





Historical high points of Babylon.

1.  Neb's father, Nabopolasser conquered Assyria in 626 BC.

2.  His first major project was to begin building his great capitol city, Babylon.

3.  Neb assumes rule in 605 BC when his father dies and through his exploits and conquest he extends the kingdom into a world power.

4.  In 539 BC there was a collapse, an infiltration and take over from within by Medo-Persian.  No military conquest.

5.  It was a totalitarian state; king had absolute rule.


2.  Breast and arms of Silver = Medo-Persia vs:39a


It was an inferior kingdom to Babylon.





Overview of the History of Medo-Persia

      -  Rose to power under the leadership of Cyrus the great.

      -  Separated from the Medes in 549 BC

      -  Conquered Lydia in Asia minor, focused on Mesopotamia and took Babylon in 539 BC. 

Installed Darius as king to rule that kingdom.    Dan. 5

      -  Ruled until Alexander the Great.

      -  Persia would be an example of an oligarchy.

      -  In Babylon everything centered on one man, Neb.

      -  In Persia there is an extending of authority to others, an expansion. Dan 6:1

      -  Silver was an appropriate representation of Medo-Persia.

In the ancient world silver signified money,  it was the standard of value and the medium of exchange.



3.  Belly and thighs of Bronze = Greece


a.  Conquered Persia in 333-331 BC.

b.  Alexander the Great was one of the great and powerful leaders of history.



c.  Greece being pictured by one belly sub-divided into 2 thighs was an excellent way for God to portray the Grecian empire prophetically.


d.  Why bronze??  What's the connection with Greece?



4.  Legs of Iron = Rome (2:40)


a.  Rome conquered Greece in 146 BC.


b.  Iron was an excellent designation of Rome;

#1  Rome was noted for its use of iron in its military weaponry.

#2  Iron is able to crush gold, silver and bronze because it is stronger.  Daniel noted this in vs:40


#3  The major characteristic then from vs:40 is its ability to crush and subdue all in its wake.  7:7, 23

#4  Existed until 476 AD.  (eastern part until 1453 AD.)


c.  From History we know that Rome contributed some great things, in the advance of civilization.


5.  Feet and Toes of iron - clay 2:41-43

Ø      Some observations at this point

1.  This kingdom will be followed by the kingdom of God.


2.  This kingdom is referring to what we commonly hear called the Revived Roman Empire, RRE, the 10 nation confederation of countries.


3.  There are 3 parallel passages dealing with these kingdoms.