Lesson 10

The Brain Soul Complex


1 Cor 2:9-16     Deals with Revelation and Illumination and its importance to us in acquiring true wisdom


2:9 True wisdom cannot be discovered by human research, thru human systems of perception.

The emphasis here is not on the wonders of Heaven but on the wisdom God has prepared for believers.


His point is that man's natural systems of perception here indicated by the use of eyes, ears, heart (intellect, function of the mind)  [Brain - soul complex]  cannot know or comprehend God's wisdom.



Empiricism is knowledge from perception by observation and experience.  All ideas are derived from some sensuous experience using the eyes, ears, nose, touch, etc, having no innate or a priori conceptions.  


Rationalism asserts that ultimate truth can be deduced from the principles of reason alone which is in itself, superior to and independent of any other source of perception.

Rationalism ultimately places faith in the autonomous use of human reason based on the rigorous use of logic, developing conclusions from first principles.


Empiricism and rationalism are often called man's greatest resources, but this ability for observation and reason are equally useless in discovering God's wisdom.  1 Cor 1:21



Where True Wisdom is Found - 2:10-13  (develops the BD of revelation)

   1. Source of revelation - 2:10a

   2. Agent of revelation - 2:10b-12

   3. Product of revelation - 2:13



1. Source of revelation - 2:10a

When considering the Bible as a source of revelation, it is important to note the order.



*** Revelation is man not knowing anything and God saying to man, here is the truth!

*** Revelation is that truth given by God to man that was unsolicited by man.



- The issue here is not what is revealed, since the direct object is left out, but the fact that God did reveal.



In revealing to us did God use an instrument or an agent to do so?

-  "through the Spirit":   dia. tou/ pneu,matoj = agency = the Holy Spirit.


Then we see His function here:    "for the Spirit searches all things"


He searches, investigates and fathoms, "all things even the depths of God".


     Question: Is not the H-S God?   Is not God OmSc??

Then there is nothing about God, His essence, His character, His Plan that the H-S does not know!


2:11 Paul Illustrates


     Therefore Paul is asking,  Who knows the thoughts of someone else here?


     Point of Paul's Illustration:  If we cannot know the mind of another human being, how can we know the thoughts of God?  His wisdom?

Then he makes an application: "Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God."

What's the point?? 



***  Should be able to see another application: linking up with vs:14

The natural man rejects BD, DVPT, "the things of the Spirit of God" since as an Unbeliever he has no indwelling H-S and no human spirit therefore no means of perceiving and understanding spiritual truth, God's wisdom.



If we are to know the mind of God, Revelation is an absolute necessity.


First we see the fact of His Indwelling!

"Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God,"


What is He there for??  One of His functions is given here.

     (i[na)  "that we might know the things freely given to us by God."



What is illumination??

     Def: The work of H/S that causes us to understand the Word of God in terms of its implications and of obedience to it.


Notice I did not say that He causes us to understand but to understand in terms of obedience and submission to God's Word.


He makes the text real, its implications known and just where it all fits in God's plan so we see the necessity to apply the truths learned as appropriate and the need for submission and obedience to it.


Need to also note in vs:12 that illumination is so that we may know "the things freely given to us by God."



*** Prin: God-H/S illumines the Believer to revelation not beyond  revelation. 


2:13 We see the Product of Revelation Illumined


"Which things we also speak"


First it confines;  note Paul says "we speak"


Second it defines revelation in the sense that the revelation of God is given to us in human language.  That is,  in a form that we can understand.


Second it defines revelation in the sense that the revelation of God is given to us in human language.  That is  in a form that we can understand.


NOTE: There is no such thing as an inspired translation!!!  Hopefully its connected with illumination of the Holy Spirit as they develop the translation, but not inspired.



Paul gives us three features of divine revelation.

1.  God's revelation is not in words chosen by men.

(neg) "not in words taught by human wisdom."


2.  God's revelation is in words chosen by God the Holy Spirit.

but in those taught by the Spirit"

This is referring to the Biblical Doctrine of Inspiration - Verbal    

2 Tim 3:16 expresses the means of inspiration



3. The words of Scripture are a perfect match for the truth that they convey

"combining spiritual (thoughts) with spiritual (words)"