Lesson 7

The Brain Soul Complex


4. The human Spirit must be distinguished from:

a. The "breath of lives"

1. This speaks of the ignition of B/C and Brain-Stem of the central nervous system when human life, the soul, is imputed at conception.

For Adam it was after God had formed the body (Gen 2:7 "and breathed into his nostrils the breath (neshemah) of lives"  (chayyim pl.).

In Job 27:3 a distinction is made:  "For as long as a spirit (h.s.) is within me, and the breath (neshemah) is in my nostrils,"

Job 33:4  "The Spirit of God (H.S.) has made me, and the breath    (neshemah) of the Almighty (H.S.) has given me life (ignited the brain-soul producing life)"    cf Isa 42:5; Acts 17:25).

- interesting statements from Job who had been through the mill so to speak, he had lost everything, his wealth, his family (except for his nagging wife) his wealth and his health and yet he recognized that God still had a purpose and plan for his life.

- Yea he had some questions, wavered under the pressure of his 3 buddies but he ultimately thought it all through and came to the conclusion that it was more important to maintain his focus on God, the creator than to be totally self absorbed.


2. Physical death is spoken of as the absence of the Neshemah (Gen 7:22 Flood;) 

Dt 20:16;  Josh 10:40;  11:11, 14;  1 Kg. 15:29;  17:17;

Job 34:14,15;

The point here that Elihu makes is that any of us will only be here in this life as long or until God pulls the life support system, its that simple, so you can relax.

This is seen in: Ps 30:3;  Ps 33:19; Ps 41:2


3. A concordant or lexical study of neshemah reveals it is also used of the breath of God who ignites, sustains and terminates life.

Job 37:10  Neshemah responsible for the ice age and post-diluvian weather;

Isa 30:33 prediction that the Neshemah of God will destroy Assyria's army; (from 30:27-33)  also cf. 2 Sam 22:16.


b. The Human Soul (Heb 4:12)

1. Both believers and unbelievers have souls.

2. Both have neshemah - Dan 5:23 - Belshazzar ruler of Babylon.

- he was arrogant, decadent and believed that he was invincible but his neshemah was removed by a sword of a Persian (secondary cause) ultimately it was God who pulled his life support system (5:30).


3. Only believers have both neshemah and the human spirit.



c. The sin nature influencing the soul and therefore the life.  

Must ask the question what about those passages of Scripture that ascribe a spirit to the unbeliever?

The contrast:  Prov 16:32 "rules his spirit" cp Prov 25:28 no control of his spirit.


1. "Spirit" used in contexts where a sinful or evil condition is envisaged, is not referring to the human spirit but to the B/C with the indwelling sin nature in rulership and therefore dominating the whole process.  [i.e. soul and life]

- Really describes the readout that others will observe.


2. Both believers and unbelievers have this "influencing spirit",  the sin nature.


3. Example of Unbelievers; Gen 41:8 - Pharaoh's "spirit was troubled";

Dt 2:30 "God hardened the spirit of Sihon King of Heshbon.";   

1 Chron 5:26 "The God of Israel stirred up the spirit of  Tiglath-Pilessar, King of Assyria;

- God used an unbeliever leader of an evil nation to administer the discipline on Israel, shows who is in control of history.

Dan 2:1 "his spirit (Neb)  was troubled".


4. Believers posses the sin nature which can influence their life when it rules: 

Ro 8:15a "spirit of slavery" (sin nature promotes a works oriented system in an attempt to please God);

2 Tim 1:7 "spirit of fear" (flows from sin nature rulership).