Lesson 6

The Brain Soul Complex


Doctrine of the Soul Continued:


12.  Legalism emphasizes what the body is doing in contrast to Word of God's emphasis on what the soul is thinking.

Puts the emphasis on:

a. capabilities of the body

b. talents of the body -- are not spiritual gifts

c. I.Q. of the body (BC)

d. strengths of the body

e. personality

f. appearance

g. voice


Principle: All of these come thru genetic engineering including the Sin nature.  What characteristics you have are purely received by grace - you didn't determine them. 





a. At the point of faith in Christ each person receives a Human Spirit, which is the integrating system (spiritual brain stem) for the spiritual circuitry which becomes the route of data traveling to the soul under E/HS.

- becomes the spiritual interface between the B/C and the real you, your soul

b. Under E/HS the brain-computer has imposed on it a supernatural circuitry, with the human spirit acting in place of the higher brain stem, neutralizing the indwelling sin nature and giving clear and undistorted read-outs to the analysis center of the soul.

c. The human spirit in conjunction with the E/HS functions  in relationship to the brain computer both during input (learning Doctrine) and output (application)

d. The "natural" route of information is incapable of giving accurate read-outs both during input (knowledge of God's will - DVPT) and output (response to one's situation).

e. Unbelievers have no human spirit therefore no supernatural circuitry and cannot comprehend the most elementary spiritual concepts (they label all DVPT as "foolishness" 1 Cor 1:18,23).

- brings into view the importance of the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit, who in that function makes the message of the Gospel real and understandable to the unbeliever.

f. Carnal believers or Reversionistic distort Doctrine both during input and output (ex. Galatians and Corinthians). 

- both are operating on the rulership of the sin nature and therefore the spiritual bypass is shut down


2. Scriptural Documentation for the Variations in the Status of Mankind.

a. Original man was created trichotomous. Gen 2:7.

b. At the fall man became dichotomous. Gen 2:17

c. Man born in the line of Adam inherits the sin nature gene to which AOS (Adam's original sin) is imputed producing spiritual death or the same status as Adam's at the fall (Rom 5:12; 1 Cor 2:14).

d. At salvation the individual becomes trichotomous just as Adam was prior to the fall.

1. To be born again indicates a relationship with God is now possible.

- the barrier that stood between is now removed

2. The existence of the human spirit along with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit establishes the basis for relationship with God. (1 Thes 5:23).

e. Conclusion: The trichotomy of man was lost in the fall; a dichotomous condition (spiritual death) is passed on thru procreation, and trichotomy is acquired at salvation (spiritual life).


3. The two "spirits" constitute the inner spiritual apparatus.

a. The Holy Spirit is the Ultimate Teacher of doctrine to positive volition

 Jn 14:26; 16:12-16; 1 Cor 2:9-16; 1 Jn 2:27


The Doctrine involved is this!

1. The Holy Spirit is the believers ultimate teacher of truth.

2. It is the Holy Spirit who brings conviction of sin.

conviction = elegcw  to persuade by using facts;

This word is used in connection with 3 groups in the Bible.

#1 Work/ministry of the Holy Spirit  John 16:8 

#2 Word of God  2 Tim 3:16-17;

#3 of the P/T in his ministry of the Word  2 Tim 4:2; Titus 1:9

3. Holy Spirit uses tools in His work of teaching us.

a. The Word of God

Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Word of God.

b. He uses gifted men as teachers to provide the hearing!

1 Cor 2:12-13; Eph 4:11f

The Holy Spirit is the source, the Word of God is the means and men are the agents making the means available in teaching of the Word.

The fact that the Holy Spirit, God, does it all, that is teaching, and convicting us does not mean that God does not use a means, His Word, and men as agents to bring His purposes to completion.

Illustration: Acts 16:14

Problem that many run into is that they attempt, and many do so from sincere motives, to eliminate the tools that God has established, the means and or the agents, gifted men as teachers, P/T, evangelists.


b. The human spirit acts as an integrating mechanism between the brain and soul. Eph 4:20-24

But you as believer are not to have a futile empty mind set.

You are not to be darkened in your understanding.

You are not to be ignorant of truth.

You are not to be negative to truth.

You are not to be insensitive, past feeling, to have an atrophied conscience.

You are not to practice immorality!

You are to know and to act on what is right and wrong learned from the Word of God!


c. The two spirits together enable the believer to get a correct read-out on reality (Rom 8:16).

d. Both are therefore essential to f2 sanctification in the plan of God with the objective of being conformed to the image of Christ. 1 Thes 2:23; Heb 12:23).

e. Additional documentation on the existence of the human spirit. 

Lk 1:47 (Mary's); Lk 23:46 (Jesus' ); Act 7:39 (Stephen's);  2 Tim 4:22; Gal 6:18; 1 Thes 5:23 (salutations); Ps 13:5 (David's);  Rev 22:6 (prophets')